Chapter. 13

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A sudden drop on to stone floor brought me back to life. I tried to see but all I could see is darkness. The itchy material stretching open my mouth told me I was gagged. I tried to shift into a sitting position when I felt another body next to me. By the yelp I knew it was Nesta... I forced my eyes to focus and there in the darkness I saw 2 bodies. Elain cried when she realized it was me. I tried to shush her to calm her down. There were no guards from what I could see. They seemed to have droppped me off and left. I could feel how my body ached and my heart... It was a whisper of feeling that burned like it pumped poison through me. I was able to pull myself into a kneeling position. I leaned back so I could slip my hand into my boot. I cried out at any movement my left hand did. Hoffer had broken it and now it was excruciating to move. Every time I cried out in pain so did Elain. I yelled through the gag shut up. After a few times of me saying it, she understood. I wanted to get to the knife I hid in the boot. And I had to use my finger on my broken hand to pull it out.

Heavy footsteps were approaching. I had to get it out now and seconds before the door was torn open, I slipped the knife out and into my shirt sleeve.

Captain Harnold.

He stomped toward me and ripped me to my feet. That motion forced my heart to beat harder, further spreading whatever fire laced my veins. Elain and Nesta was dragged out behind me.

My eyes tried to adjust as we entered the hall. No. Not hall. Throne room. And in this space, I felt his draw. I lurched toward him and called to him.

Azriel was kneeling covered in blood. There in his chest an ash arrow. No... I fought against the captain as I saw Azriel try to stand and fail. I knew what Ash did to fae. It was poison to them and there it was stark white protruding from his chest. I could see how he struggled. I struggled against the captain's grip while using the knife to unbind my hands.

Adria I heard his visceral calling for me. I screamed his name against my gag. And we finally connected our gaze.

My whole body reacted to seeing him like this. A force trying to bring us together, my own will, my own want to be at his side. Cassian tried his best to keep him from bleeding out but I could see Cassian also was having a difficult time.

"I would suggest bracing yourselves" the towering figure on the throne announced. Before I could turn to face the voice power exploded throughout the hall. Pure power exploded in a white unending and hideous filled the room. I shielded my eyes and then it was gone. I looked to Azriel and I couldn't see him. I only saw a mess of mangled leather and meat. Cassian. He shielded Azriel from the power Hybern had unleashed. And then he released another hit of raw power toward Rhys.

I heard Elain cry out and saw someone stalking toward Feyre and she hurled a knife toward him. I looked to Azriel again and felt a snap. It was my bonds. I took the opportunity and whipped around to face the captain. Without hesitation my unbroken hand sunk the knife deep into his neck. The blood spray speckled my face and I pulled out of his clutches while everyone was distracted but the king now focusing on Mor. I removed my gag and threw my dagger toward the king and watched as it bounced off a barrier in front of his face.

"Aren't you a prize" He leaned forward now that his eyes narrowed toward me. I felt as if I was frozen in place. I couldn't move, not even my eyes.

"Don't touch her" I heard Azriel snarling.

"Who is this?" The king directed the question to audience.

"She is the eldest of the sisters" The oldest queen answered. I forced my head to turn against the hold the King held against me to glare at that old bitch. "Adria..." venom laced my name. 

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