Chapter 1 S5

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Kaminari: endeavor was amazing yesterday, wasn't he?

Apparently yesterday, endevour fought a weird nomu which was stronger than the other ones, he injured his eye but beat it in the end.

Kirishima: Yeah! I was scared stiff when he was knocked down by the nomu, though.

Y/n: I wanted to fight that nomu! Why did no one tell me?!

Sero: because you're crazy and would've went out to fight it.

Kirishima: at the end, he stood with guts and victory... He was so manly!

Ojiro: as expected from the number one hero!

Uraraka: hawks was amazing, too!

Toru: and he's hot, too!

Kirishima: they don't say he's "too fast for his own good" for nothing.

You continued sulking while you heard people talk to todoroki about his dad but then you sensed your dad coming.

Y/n: my dad's coming!

Everyone sat quietly.

Aizawa: hey, the bell rang a long time- all right. You need to stop playing around and be more aware of who you are. Even though you only have provisional licenses, don't forget that you have been given the certification and responsibility to act as heroes in a official capacity. There are two of you in supplemental classes, though...

Bakugo: tch...

Aizawa: from now on, we'll be kicking class up a notch, so be prepared. Now, for today's homeroom-

An alarm went off and two lights came out of the wall making the room red.

Alarm: emergency drill, emergency drill: hypothetical villains have infiltrated UA high school grounds. Hero course class 1A is requested to report. (The wall opened up to show your hero briefcases.) please change into your hero costumes and head to the scene as soon as possible.

Everyone stood up.

Lida: let's go, hero class 1A!

Class: Yeah!

Everypne went to wear their costume then ran outside.


Lida: "villains have infiltrated Ground Beta"... Right now, that's the only information that has been confirmed. Even if this is only a drill, we wull carry out this mission with every thing we've got!

Momo: first, we should try and understand the situation. Reconnaissance squad, if you will.

Jiro: leave it to us!

You flew into the air with ahoji on your back.

Jiro: northeast... About 900 meters... There are intermittent soundd of destruction!

Shoji: I've confirmed smoke from explosions at the location earphone jack indicated.

Y/n: I sense nejire, amajiki and mirio but mirio needs help! (You landed flee to everyone else after grabbing jiro) everyone grab on!

You all teleported to them. Then split up to do different things.

You teleported to the villains

Midorya: another blaze!

Momo: at this rate, the fire will spread.

Mina: we just have to stoo the flame, right?

Momo: yes!

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