Chapter 3 S4

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You were patrolling with midorya and mirio when two girls recognized you

??? 1: oh, heroes!

??? 2: it's the two boys who were in the UA sports festival on TV. That one is the winner!

Midorya: I-I'm nervous...

Mirio: you must've at least gone on patrol at your internship, right? Oh, was the league of villains attack too traumatic for you?

Midorya: no, but for various reasons I wasn't able to experience the basics...

Mirio: really? That's strange, right? But don't worry! Sir and bubble girl are the ones actually watching the target today. We're just on patrol! I'll teach you a bunch of stuff. Stick with me!

You all stopped walking.

Y/n: trust me, they are useful.

Mirio: now that I think about it, I know y/n's hero name but not yours.

Midorya: th-that's true... I'm deku.

Mirio: deku? Deck? You okay with that?

Midorya: I am.

Y/n: it's because his crush changed it's meaning for him.

Midorya blushed.

Midorya: w-what do you mean? I-I-I don't h-have a crush.

Y/n: sure you don't.

Mirio: well, I'm lemillion. I don't have to save everyone, but 1,000,000...not all, but a million- that's what I want to do, so that's why I chose lemillion! Once we put on our costumes and go out into the streets, we're heroes. Don't let your guards down, deku and kintrol!

Y/n and midorya: I won't, lemillion!

You all continued walking then a someone ran into you but you caught them before you fell. You saw a little girl with a horn on the corner of her forehead and long light blue hair with red eyes. She had bandages on her arm and legs.

Y/n: woah, careful there

She looked scared and was trembling.

Y/n: calm down, it's ok! Don't worry! (you smile)

You helped her stand. You heard a voice.

???: now, you know...

You looked up... It was chisaki?!

Chisaki:... You can't go around causing trouble for the heroes.

Y/n: oh, it's not trouble at all sir!

Chisaki: I'm sorry about my daughter, hero. She likes to play around a lot and keeps getting hurt. I don't know what to do with her.

Y/n: It's fine, hopefully she isn't hurt! Kids sure are clumsy! (chuckle)

Chisaki: they sure are.

Mirio: your hood and mask came off again.

You looked at mirio and saw midorya with his bunny mask on.

Mirio: maybe the sizing's off? We're sorry, too, for bumping into her. With that lovely mask, you must be from the hassaikai, right? You guys are famous around here.

Chisaki: yes, don't worry about the mask.

You took the chance to talk with the girl.

Y/n (whisper): is he hurting you?

??? (whisper): y-yes.

She sounded like she was going to cry.

Y/n (whisper): I need you to be brave and go with him so he doesn't get suspicous, We'll comeback for you after sometime, ok? I promise.

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