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-Merchants pov-
I rode away from that pathetic elf, my confidence never dying. As I rode away though...I thought as I were being followed. I arrived at the castle a little while later. I hoped off my horse and grabbed my items for the royal. They seemed to weigh five pounds less?!
"This is getting weird..." I brought them into the castle after the Guards took my horse. I walked into the palace doors with confidence as always and knelt before the princess.
"ah the lovely Princess Zelda. " I said politely, "it is an honor."
" My gratitude in return merchant. And what is it that you have to offer? " she said in return.
" I have much me'lady ." I took off my bags and opened them up to see....CRUMBS AND LEFTOVERS?!?! My mouth dropped to the floor and my eyes exploded with disbelief. ( not literally )
" What seems to be the problem merchant. " Zelda said unamused.
"M-my rupees?! MY SALES?!?! I WAS ROBBED!!!!!! "I shouted angrily.
"Oh is that so. I'm sorry about your likely fate. That is our price for being wealthy. But robbery is still unacceptable, so i will send out more guards to where you came from so this doesn't happen again. "
" But I want this scumbag in prison for stealing my valuables that I earned !!!" I yelled
" and we will work on it, a thief doesn't just steal once merchant. They will strike again but I promise that they will be brought to justice. " she said calmly. If it escalates I'll send out someone to capture this 'thief'. Do not worry. " still in that calm voice.
I held in my anger and bowed.
"Yes my princess. May the odds be in our favor.( and yes it's like the huger games quote. )
" goodbye sir , have a wonderful evening. Much rest is needed. " she said sweetly as I left the room.
-Zeldas pov-
As he left I held up my smile. Finally when the doors closed fully I groaned.
" I absolutely hate people with attitude. But he is right, this elf must be brought in, at least a month on patrol. If it doesn't continue. Sadly...if it does escalate I may have no choice but to take matters seriously. I said sternly.
"Guards. Please follow the merchant and place more guards in the area of his return."

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