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I walked a few yards away, still thinking of what to do. Should I obey my ruler? or follow my heart.. i was torn in two. My soldier side was demanding me to follow but my other side was begging me not to. Ugh whatever, thinking sucks... i came to a small tree and i had to let my anger out. I slashed the tree till it was no more then a few piles of twigs. Great i just murdered a tree, just amazing. -_-

Hours past, and i was still there. i sat on the pile of rubble as i finally came to my conclusion...

i-i had to obey... Zelda was my ruler, and a close friend. I couldnt ruin it. I hated the idea buut i just had to, my duties are more importamt than a girl. yes, thats the truth. I sighed rubblinhg my temples as i got up and began to walk back. I finally came back to see a happy Tori. She was dancing around like she found the fountain of youth. She saw me and smiled widely.

" Link! " she said running to me, " I feel great!! Its like i can take on the world! " she said hugging me.

i smiled and hugged back. " oh, uhm thats great Tori. Im glad your better. " i had to do it...ok, i got this..

" since your feeling better, i had an idea. want to go on an adventure? " i asked trying to sound casual. she lookedat me puzzled.

" an adventure? like what?" she said curiously.

" well, its one hat involves mebringing a special prize to the princess of Hyrule, Zelda. I need to give it to her because without it in her possetion the kingdom will be unbalanced..." i said sadly.

" oh, well what is it?"

" only i can sorry."

she studied my face for a minute before shugging it off. " eh whatever. How long is the journey. "

" To hyrule? maximum two days tops. "

" hm, sounds good. ill pack, i wouldnt want to keep the ruler of your home waiting. " If only she knew... i shook out the dreed and went to pack.

after a few minutes she was finished and i just started.

"wow your fast. "

"wow your slow"

"rude girl."

"blondie" she teased.

"whats wronge woth blondes??"


i smirked and rolled my eyes as i finished my bags.

"ready to go me'lady?" i asked walking with her, she nodded and we walked west of town.

It seemed like only yeterdsay i just met this girl and we were fighting to the death. Now i was walking with her and she gave me trust. Geez talk about that. Nightfall came so we decided to set up camp. I stood away from her, my feelings for her always would block my judgement of justice but it hurt so much...she probably didn't feel the same...sitting there under a tree looking up at the stars would make anyone feel at peace, but not me. I feel like I'm alone now. No one to love, no one to care for besides the people I protect. And I don't even know them. I sighed heavily as I took off my hat and ran my fingers through my hair I'm stress. Why does my life have to be so hard. Looked down as my hat, memories clouded back of my family, The farm, my friends.. My grandma made me this because she said that it would keep me safe, that when I wore it my inner warrior would know right from wrong. I guess it's just one of her sayings. Stitched with love in every seam, in every swear she put into it, with every breath it took until the day she passed, that was the day I was sent off. My family was forced into to poor lands and I was told to be the "chosen one." I didn't know at the time about much but then fate came into view and now here I am, the hero of time, such an honor, and such a burden. I put my hat back on and played with my bandages. It still stung to move but it was bearable. I saw Tori look at me and smile.
"You ok hero?" She asked by the fire.
"Eh I guess, I'm just thinking. "
"About?" She said
"What kind of stuff"
"Important stuff"
I smiled, she will not stop being cute. Uhhhh shut up link. Hey it's the truth me. Whatever you know that duty comes first, just make something up. Sigh, fine ,fine.
" You know, about zelda and how's shes handling the kingdom. "
"You ok Tori? You look ...serious. "
" Mhm. Ya. Well I have to take a nap so night. " She said laying down and rolling in her side not facing me.
" What was that about?" I asked
"Fine, night me'lady. "
"Night hero."
And with that I laid down and looks at the stars once more, letting the darkness take hold.

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