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( That's him...kinda hot...☺️😊)
"Hello Tori." He said.
I still couldn't see him fully, but that voice...I heard that before...
Finally as I started at he dark figure my vision focused and I could think straight.
"Who...who are you?" I said my voice a little shaky.
" You've met me before, thief. "
Everyone calls me thief...but the way he said it reminded me of my father..and his death...
I knit my eyes twos together as I stared at the floor. Then it hit me. I gasped slightly as I quickly looked back up.
"J-Julian!" I said feeling my heart rate pick up.
He walked into my cell and glanced behind him. He looked back at me as he knelt in front of me, he was in his uniform holding the cell keys.
"I knew you were smart enough." She said putting the key into the lock, he unchanged my hands as they lifelessly fell to the floor, pins and needles they felt like. Why was he doing this? I thought as I looked at him and he unsung my neck chain.
I touched my neck as it felt hot with the sudden rush of blood.
He helped me up and walked cautiously over to the door. He glanced back out and motioned for me to come.
Was he breaking me out?
I quickly got up and walked over to him.
"Sh...don't make a sound. " He whispered as he walked out.
There were no guards... So I quickly followed.
" Why are you doing this..." I whispered
"We will discuss later."
"A deal?"
"In terms... I owe you I guess.."
What? He owes me? I didn't have time to think anything over before he led me up the stairs.
He stopped and turned to me, his eyes glowing a dim blue in the dark.
" I'm not capturing you...but put this on. " He cuffed my hands.
"What??" I asked a little flustered.
" We're going in public. I'm the captain of the guards so it will look like I'm redirecting you to a new holding site." He held the end of the chain and led me through the doors.
I saw the guards look at me suspiciously then at the captain, but won't back to work.
"Stay calm " he whispered to me.
Finally he led me away from them and I could see the castle doors... Freedom. Hope arose within me as Julian sped up a little, still keeping his cool. He took a breath in, the walked up to the guards guarding the door.
"Hello men. " He said walking up to them
"Hello captain. What boys was do you have to attend to. And what's with the prisoner." The first one said pointing his spear at me.
" I have gotten word from the princess that she feels the thief's cell will not hold her. She is a clever and mischievous girl. She must be bright to a better protected area of captivity. Please move aside. " He said
" Why didn't we get word of this sir?"
"The princess doesn't need to alert the whole army both are only rookies, I wouldn't expect her to tell you anything necessary until you are better trained. "
"....fine sir. Take care." They both said letting us through. Julian glanced back at me then tugged on my chain.
"Move it girl." He said pulling me harshly through the doors, I could here the guys snicker.
I looked behind me and watched as they shut the gates.
I-I can't believe it...I was out....I was out!! I am really out of there!!!! Oh my HYRULE!!!
We walked in silence him still holding my chain till we crossed the border that separates the kingdom. He finally stopped and breathed out deeply.
I looked back and smiled widely.
" I'm out...I'm really out Julian!!!!" I said my hope exploding within me.
" Yeah, yeah, you are. " He said turning to me and taking off my cuffs.
I stopped at looked at him.
"What?" He asked
"Why? Why did you if all people save me?" I asked confused.
" I said...I owe you. " He said waking off.
"What?? When did you owe me?! I freaking killed all your men , and you work for Zelda as the the captain of her military...and you owe me?!?! " I said grabbed his hand, he stopped and glanced down at his hand.
I looked down too, "oh...sorry. " I said letting go.
"But really, Julian. My enemies don't just decide to be my hero. Something's up and I need to know what. " I said sternly
He sighed and looked back at me.
"Fine. Walk with me. " He said waking
I followed and he began to explain his strange actions.
" Zelda....she is a great ruler...truly is...but she may have....issues.." He said
"Like what?"
"Weird issues...she is very protective of us all, and at times...she can get violent. " He sighed
" I owe you...because I knew what my men did was wrong....I am so sorry Tori. " He said stopping in is tracks and looked at me.
Pain engulfed my heart as my memories came back.
"She became so violent over the years...most if this because of her crush." He said quietly.
"Her...crush?" My mind drifted off to link once more...him and her sitting in a tree...doing what I should be doing to no no he's a traitor!! I mentally slapped myself as I focused back in Julian.
"Yes...she loves a hero...THE hero of the land. Link. "
"I see..." I said sadly
" Yes and when she found out about you and that you were his crush...well she got angry again..and that is why you are sent to a death penalty. "
Great I'm sent to my death because of a stupid crush. That is so freaking retarded it's not even funny.
" Ok...." I sighed reapply before looking at him
"Thank you Julian.... You have proven your honor with helping me. I am now in your debt. " I said hugging him.
"No need, but I must get back. She may need assistance. "
" really care for Zelda's almost as if you cared for her to much... Like you wanted too.... Ooohhhhh!!! " I smiled widely
"What?" He asked
"You like Zelda!!! Oh my gosh you do!!!" I said jumping up a little bit.
"W-what? No I don't!! " He did turning pink.
"Aaawwwwwww dong fight it I know the truth now."
"Shut up..." He mumbled
" What? I'm not the one who's crushing on a royal. " I said with a smirk
".....bla. Whatever thief." He said smiling a little.
I looked behind me, I saw the morning sun rise once more. Dawn was here and I was nowhere near safe out in the open. I looked back at Julian.
"Thank you again...for everything... If you need anything, find me and I'll do it. " I said hugging him again.
" Same to you tori. " He began to walk away.
"Cough cough good much with your princess cough cough. " I said through giggles
He flinched at my words
"S-shut up! " He stuttered walking away laughing while pinker.
I walked in the opposite direction out of town. Well to the farther end of the poor parts. I smiled as I walked to the horizon.
" Time to start fresh dad...thank you."

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