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Rotom-Kun's POV

It was Ash and Chloe alone in that big laboratory. Was it on purpose? Maybe, But not for Goh, that red cheek, always blushing idiot is too crazy for catching pokemons to miss even a damn chance. However, for Lisa, this might be the case. She might have observed that Chloe was concerned for Ash and how she shouted on him for being so careless to not inform anyone before getting disappeared. 

Nevertheless, Chloe and Ash were surrounded by an uncomfortable silence and in the eerie windy environment, with the freshness of the morning sun, but the awkwardness between them was coinciding with the wind's pace.  Chloe, fake coughed, wanting to start a conversation or at least make Ash turn his eyes away from her. Because, his eyes were staring in hers, as if searching her conscience within her. However, her cough was not sufficient for breaking that intense gaze of Ash. She started to blush, her cheeks reddened and she nervously looked down to the ground. But, oh why were those blue shoes, which belonged to that person who was just then staring in her eyes with an emotionless and unpredictable gaze. Was Ash approaching her? Or was he leaving?? These questions were randomly running inside Chloe's mind, hoping to find their suitable answers and get settled. Regardless of how, before she could've asked those questions to get silent, it was late. Ash's shoes were now after hers, their shoes were softly brushing each other, giving a tingling sensation to Chloe's heart, which she was not able to recognize, at that moment. But, in spite of that, she didn't dare look up, not yet when she had no idea what Ash was going to do? No longer than, she felt fingers on her chin, gently making her look up. And oh!! He was standing very close to her, too close for her to stop herself from showing that blushed red face. Ash's hands slowly withdrew from her chin, again they were lost under the spell, their eyes casted on  them. And Rotom believe that those brown chocolate colored eyes casted a better spell on the maroon-haired girl. And, then Ash slowly leaned in...Chloe was hella nervous, she was ready from the start to slap him across the face, as soon as he try to do something stupid. But, now when she saw him coming closer to her, she was frozen, her hands refused to work and even her brain rejected the task of sending any emergency signals. She now helplessly watched, she in turn to show her disapproval to what she believed Ash was goin to do.

But, it didn't happen. Ash, instead of taking her lips, securely caught her in a hug. A warm and pleasant, she will never say, but That's WHY WE HAVE ROTOM (;

Ash's arms were tightly holding her, and oh he was crying, crying very very much to be precise. He was literally the opposite of what she was used to be. He was bawling like a little child, who lost his balloon or a kid, whose ball was consumed by the harbor. Chloe was very confused, as she had no fuckin idea, how to comfort someone, especially someone who was the reason for her being the same for damn 3 days. She was mad on Ash, for treating her like that before. But, she couldn't leave him at this moment, it was evident that this guy was concealing secrets right in his hearts. The mysterious vibes, she could sense from him recently, was backing up this thought of her. She, reluctantly and nervously hugged him back, thinkin what will happen if Goh or Lisa or her father will come. That's gonna be something tough to explain. For sure. However, sooner she hugged him back, his crying only intensified. He was bawling like a child, who had to go through a heartbreaking separation from his favorite toy. Chloe, softly pat him, and patiently waited for Ash to get okay.

Chloe: "Tell me Ash, tell me. What happened?" Chloe tried to give Ash a push and maybe, find out what he had been hiding out all this time. Ash was a crying mess, it took him few efforts to stiffen his sobs and speak. However, the hiccups were still lingering

Ash: "Ch..chloe...it...it's...mom..." He couldn't complete it, because no later than he phrased the word "mom." He again started crying and this time loud enough to get some attention. Lisa came running and saw that her big brother was hugging Chloe. She could see Chloe, but her brother's back was facing her, so she couldn't see him. She tried to come and comfort her brother, because of how much he was crying. But, Chloe's eyes told her not to. Lisa was confused, nevertheless she stayed back. And waited. Chloe rubbed Ash's back silently, giving him enough courage to continue.

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