♡ Chapter 6 - Winged Children♡

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I'm lucky I caught it lmao I almost didn't. I think it works like this though because the last chapter would have been way too long if I had added it.

Also, this picture is amazing am I right or am I right.

(also it's not art so I don't need to search for credits fInDiNg cReDiTs iS sO hArD)

Shoyo felt a lot better after telling Suga about his dad, almost like a weight was lifted off his chest. That's not saying that he felt completely better though. Telling someone about his dad had only been one of the things he had been worrying about.

He was still extremely worried about being outed as a Winged Child, but other than Tsukishima and Tanaka jokingly accusing him about it, no one had mentioned it. As far as he could tell, the team didn't have a problem with Winged Children.

If he was being honest with himself, he could definitely tell the difference between American support and Japanese support. Here, the support for Winged Children is very clear and honestly a bit overwhelming. Compared to America, this was Winged Child paradise. There were even laws against hunting them.

Despite that though, most Winged Children -especially the younger ones- kept to themselves and didn't flaunt the fact they were a Winged Child. There wasn't a lot of Kirai in Japan because of the laws and acceptance, but when there were, they were some of the worst Kirai there could be. The night Sho met some of them, he was very lucky that they were some of the tamer Kirai. Usually, they are a lot more violent.


After practice one day, a group of them decided to go out for dinner -with permission of course- to a burger shack near the camp because there weren't any in Miyagi. Plus, most of them hadn't had a burger before. Sho had obviously had burgers back in America, but he hadn't had one since then, and he heard that they were different in Japan.

Nearing the shack, Sho spotted a group of people. There were about ten of them, and they were all around the age of 25. The thing that made them stand out from the rest though, was that they were Winged Children. In the open!

Shoyo immediately stopped where he stood and stared. He didn't mean to be rude by staring, but it was such a crazy thing for him to see. Even crazier though, is that no one around them cared! There was a group of Winged Children, wings spread out and some of them were even flying! Sure, there were a few double-takes when people saw them, but they just continued with their day and there were no rude stares or gestures.

He was broken out of his stupor by Suga walking over to him.

"Why did you stop?" he asked, looking around. 

Shoyo could tell the second Suga noticed the group because his eyes widened for a second. 

"Oh, ya that's pretty normal around here. There's only about twenty of them in Japan, but most are here in Tokyo, so it makes sense that you haven't seen them before." Sho acknowledged Suga without turning towards him and kept looking at the group with almost no expression on his face. 

Suga hesitated a bit then said, "You're... ok with them...right?"

Sho was surprised and realized that Suga thought he of all people would be a Kirai. He had to hold in a laugh before turning to Suga and saying, "Oh no. Yes, it's just that back in America, Winged Children weren't able to be as open, and it's kind of crazy seeing them able to be here with no repercussions," he explained, going back to looking at the group.

Unconsciously, his hand went up to his necklace, the only thing keeping his wings hidden. He thought about being able to just rip it off and join the others in freedom, finally getting rid of this heavyweight off his chest; being able to tell his friends the truth, and no one hating him.

"Oh ya. I heard that America doesn't have any safety backing for Winged Children," Suga said interrupting his thoughts.

"Ya it's probably pretty bad being a Winged Child there," Sho said nonchalantly, knowing full well that you were wishing death upon yourself by being out in the open like this in America.

At this point, he had been staring at the group for a bit, and his presence must have been noticed because one of the boys who was flying turned around to look at him. They made eye contact, and for a split second Shoyo felt the faintest feeling of recognition. He knew that he had probably seen this boy somewhere in the institution when he was little, but not enough for either of them to know names.

He did notice, though, the same flash of recognition go through the boy's eyes. The boy flew back down to the ground and took a step towards them, but Sho took a step back into Suga, gripping his necklace like it was his lifeline.

He made eye contact with the boy once more and subtly shook his head trying to tell the boy not to 'out' him. The boy must have understood because he gave Sho a small sad smile, nodded and went back to his group.

Despite the initial anxiety when he noticed the group being so open, Shoyo felt like he was flying. Seeing Winged Children out in the open like this was amazing, and, honestly, just what he needed right now. It calmed his anxiety about being outed and attacked. 

Bit of an awkward ending and its only 900 words but that's ok :)

Still can't believe I almost forgot it *head slap*


I also spent like 4 days trying to write this bit soooooo

Also, any MYCT fans??? more specifically Ranboo fans??? If so this message is for you:


Anyways don't forget to vote if you enjoyed! 

Drink water and bind safely!


(885 words)

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