♡ Chapter 8 - Panic Attack ♡

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Ok so I lied to all of you lmao there is another chapter after this xD whoops

FULL ART CREDIT TO @ risvtu ON TWITTER!!! This art is so cute am I right or am I right.


After Shoyo left the gym, he went straight towards the forest near the gym. If he hadn't started panicking on his way there, he would have pointed out how ironic it was that there were forests everywhere.

He landed in the middle of the forest near a clearing, and his emotions started spiralling. He was going to have to move again and leave the family that he just started to get used to and love as his own. If he didn't, they would be attacked, and it would be his fault again. He would be at fault for another death.

Sho started shaking and crying. He wrapped his wings around himself because even though they were the source of his stress, they were also a great comfort just from all the good memories they held. Plus, they were warm and surrounded him like a big hug, protecting him from the world pressing against him.

He heard a snap of a branch around him, and in fright he tightened his wings around his body, trying to make himself smaller in his hiding spot.

"Hinata?" he heard a quiet voice calling out to him. He didn't recognize it through his panic but somehow felt safe with the voice. He opened his wings a bit to see who was calling his name, but when he did, he rustled against some bushes, making noise that gave away his hiding spot.

"Sho?" the voice said hesitantly. Shoyo started backing up, trying to get away from the voice. It got closer, and before he could get away, the voice was pulling his wings apart, opening the little cocoon he had made himself. What was weird though, was that the person seemed to know where not to touch his wings because of sensitive parts. Almost like they knew-

The person managed to open his wings fully, and looking up at them, Sho realized that it was Suga who came after him. Though, it wasn't a Suga he knew.

"Wha-" he started, staring up at Suga's bright silver wings. But Suga cut him off.

"Ya." Was all he said before looking him up and down making sure he wasn't hurt. "Are you ok? The team-"

Shoyo's momentary calm disappeared at the thought of his team and friends. Though he thought at the end of this they probably won't even be that anymore.

He started shaking again, and Suga reached out to calm him. But the gesture didn't help because Sho backed up further and tried to close his wings around him again.

"No! Don't- don't touch me!" His eyes were wild, his breathing fast and shallow, his whole body trembling.

"I'm not going to hurt you," Suga said gently opening Shos wings and taking him by the hand, pulling him towards himself slowly.

Suga positioned them so that Sho was on his lap, faster than Sho could object. He wrapped his own wings around them both, recreating the cocoon Sho had before he came. Their eyes met, and after Suga made sure he wouldn't get away, he hugged him hard.

"Listen to me. You're safe and they aren't going to hurt you again. I'm here now. Trust me, I won't let anybody hurt you."

Suga expected Sho to struggle against him and try to get away, but he didn't- instead, he relaxed a little, tears forming in his eyes, and let out a breath trying to calm down again. "I..."

"It's ok", Suga said, smiled, and ran his fingers through Sho's hair. "It's ok. I'm here."

Sho started to calm down a bit, so Suga went to let go of him, but Sho grabbed on tighter.

"Can we just stay like this?" Sho looked up at Suga with bloodshot eyes. "I not ready to let go yet."

"Ok," Suga said, going back to petting his hair. Eventually, he started to run his fingers over Shoyo's wings too, still avoiding the sensitive parts.

After a couple of minutes, Sho started talking. "I knew this day would come. Sooner or later." Suga's fingers stopped, and Sho continued. "I knew they would find out eventually. It was bound to happen. I just wish it could have been later. I only just got used to being part of the Hinatas, and I'm not going to ask them to leave their home for me, so I'm going to have to leave everything behind again." He laughed, but it wasn't real. It was watery and sad. "I think that had to be the shortest amount of time I have ever spent somewhere."

"You're not leaving." Suga would have stopped Sho before to tell him this, but he knew Shoyo needed to get it out of his system, and just tell someone.

"You're not leaving. Nobody cares that you're a Winged Child. Plus, Japan is the safest place for you. You won't be hurt here." He looked down at Shoyo in his lap and saw that he was still doubtful.

"I promise you. The teams aren't going to tell anyone about this if you don't want them to. And even if they did, nobody would be able to do anything to you. If anything, it would let you be free and let you fly when and wherever you want." Sho looked up at Suga, with an almost hopeful look in his eyes.

"Really?" He said in a whisper almost as though he had forgotten this would even be an option. "If-if I did go open about it, would-would you do it with me?" He seemed to think about what he said then blurted, "I-I don't mean- I mean- you don't have to expose yourself for me-" He was cut off by Suga's laugh.

"Of course, Shoyo. I was planning on doing it anyway if you were ok with it. Honestly, I'm sick of hiding it from everyone. I think it will be freeing to finally get this off our chests." He smiled down at Shoyo and got one of Shos legendary smiles back. Although he was a bit red-eyed, he looked genuinely happy.

"Come on," Suga said, pulling Shoyo up to his feet. "Let's go back to the gym. I bet Dachi is worried about us."


I love how in the beginning I said there were 7 chapters, but then I COMPLETELY forgot one of THE MAIN PLOT POINTS and then I guess I just can't count because there's another one after this too <3

Don't forget to vote and comment if you like my story :) its always appreciated <3 

Luv you <3


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