Chapter 4

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"Hello I'm Mika and that's my husband Andy, how old are you?"

"I'm 1263 years old."

"How old is that?", I whispered in Mika's ear.

"Ten years as human."

"Oh isn't he a bit young to work here?"

"Well I had no choice, I lost my parents a few years ago.", he sadly smiled.

"You understand me?"

"Yes, I speak every language."

"Mika, is he...?"

"From which planet are you?"

"My mother was a Raxacoricofallapatorian and my dad was from Melmak, its twin planet."

"Nice to meet, you I'm from Raxacoricofallapatorious, too."

"Cool should we start then?"

We went to the teleporter and I felt guilty cause our guide was a ten year old kid, I wish I could help him to not work here as a tourist nanny. We got beamed down, the planet was beautiful, it looked like a desert, orange sand and a yellow sky. He brought us to a city, which looked like it was from Aladdin, a huge market and many people.

"The attraction of Barcelona are probably the dogs, they have no noses. You can buy one if you wanted to, they have everything you can wish for.", the little boy started.

"But be careful sometimes there are gangs who rob the tourists. But usually it's a nice planet the lowest criminal rate in this solar system."

"Where do you know this stuff from?", I asked.

"They always take the same route so with time you pick stuff up. I knew nothing when I started, my job is to watch the guests that they won't get in trouble."

"Okay. Do you like your job?"

"Not really, but I have no choice, I need money for living."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. So you two are married?"


"I thought it would be forbidden?"

"Yeah long story short, I fled and fell in love with this bastard and now we're together for 10 years and have three kids."

"Oh, nice. Never had siblings, I wish I had but here we are."

"Where do you live when you're not on the ship?"

"I mostly do other small jobs and get offered a bed."

"Okay. This sounds not like a fun life."

"You get used to it. Food?"


"What do you got?"

"We got fruits from Clom over there, very juicy. Gallifreyan meat and fish over here, it's very delicious. And some vegetables from Vulcan, not my personal favourites to be honest."

"I take the fruits, I had enough with foreign meat for the next years."

"I'll take the meat then."

"Good choice. Hope you have money.", we bought our food and sat down on a bench to eat, the fruits were like a mix of all fruits on earth, the best alien thing I ever ate.

Later we went on and discovered the huge market, we bought early Christmas presents and souvenirs for our families and friends, stuff you wouldn't get on Mika's planet, after ten years I still can't remember the name, or on earth.

"Oh no! Watch out! One of the gangs. That never happened before.", Johnny whispered with a scared voice.

"What now?", I asked a bit nervous.

"I don't know.", he whispered with a trembling voice.

He hid behind Mikas legs as he was just a high as them, slowly grabbing his hand.

"It's okay, don't worry, we'll manage. When we're silent and don't do something to annoy them, they'll probably leave us alone.", Mika whispered back in a calming voice.

Indeed they left us alone and walked by, I was glad they did, I was scared too and just played cool as I didn't want to worry Johnny even more. We walked for hours now and slowly our little friend got tired.

"Could you two please slow down, my legs are too short."


"I have a better idea.", Mika said, picked him up and placed him on his shoulders.


"Yeah, thanks.", the little boy blushed.

A few minutes later he fell asleep and Mika let him down and carried him in front of his chest.

"He's cute. I wish we could help him getting a better life."

"Yeah, he's pretty tough for his age, but still he's a little kid. He deserves better."

We went around a bit longer before the teleporter beamed us back.

"Hey little one, we're back."

"What? No I want to sleep."

"I know where is your room?"

"177a, down the hallway.", he yawned. We brought him to his room and put him to bed before we left again and went also to bed.

"Do you think what I think?"

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