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📍Whitefish; Montana

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📍Whitefish; Montana

the refusal of something requested or desired.

Denial is the state Alex was left in.

She had watch her Billie rub up against the wavy haired boy from across the cafeteria, although Billie had to do it for her sake. She put up the act a little too well.

even at school.

Her parents ain't in school so Alex didn't see the point in keeping up the act in the school building, especially in front of the whole school with the biggest most popular douche in town.

Maybe it is the jealousy talking, maybe she was jealous that Billie wasn't sitting on her lap and laughing with her instead. That's what she thought too.

Until, her messages started being left on read and delivered.

She didn't want to believe she could be possibly losing the girl already. Barely anything happen between them but she felt something so deep for the girl.

The sneaking out just to sit in the cold talking about the possible creatures out in the many foreign planets or the lame attempts of a joke Alex would make to make Billie laugh, although they never failed, no matter how horrible the joke was.

She truly felt something so deep for the girl and she thought she did too until she went the whole day clinging onto the boy without one single glance in Alex's way.

She lets out a scoff to herself when she sees Billie laugh along with her new group of friends while she holds on to the wavy headed boy's neck.

She physically felt her heart tight and hurt when she saw Billie lean in to kiss the boy, who gladly accepted it and starts rubbing all over her body roughly and tightly.

Alex knew that's not how Billie likes to be touched, Billie loved it when Alex held her gently and took her time to appreciate the girl. Not the sudden jump to things.

But it wasn't her place.

As much as she wanted to defend Billie for stomping all over her heart, it came to point where she knew she sounded ridiculous too.

She didn't want to believe Billie could have possibly fell for the biggest douche that she had mentioned to hate with a passion, but it was possible.

He clearly had some sort of charm to have all these girls on his feet when he wasn't even attractive, Alex never understood it. Maybe it's because she's gay.

But that can't be it.

Alex's train of thought is cut off by her friends asking her to go to a party, they knew it was hopeless but they wanted to include her in the conversation.

"I'll see" is the simple answer she gave with a shrug, it surprised the three girls because it was better than any other answer, maybe she was considering it.

The chances of her coming are pretty low but they had a bit hope because they really misses their friend, no matter how much they tried.

Alex never let anyone in.

Except for Billie.

She told the blonde about her homophobic mother and brother, about her due abusive addict father, she told the girl everything really.

Maybe that's what catches Billie away.

How transparent she was with her, how much luggage she had.

All she wanted to know was what happen and then she will leave her alone.

With a sigh, Alex sends a text to Billie and watches the blonde as she pulled out her phone from the back pocket and reads it but doesn't bother answering or look up before she shoved her phone back in her pocket.

Her shoulders slump at that and a frown appears on her phone as if she was expecting the girl to answer.

The bell breaks Alex from her trace and she picks up her bags and says a quick goodbye to her friends before rushing to the library for her free period.

The bell breaks Alex from her trace and she picks up her bags and says a quick goodbye to her friends before rushing to the library for her free period

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With a sigh and music playing in the background, Alex drives down the wet road, today is a peaceful rainy day but her heart is so troubled.

She runs her hand through her hair in frustration, she's mad at herself for letting one girl to trouble her heart so much.

Although she lives in a small town, her mother had bought her favorite car for her seven months ago on her seventeenth. She walks most days but on days like these, it was helpful.

With a double take on the sidewalk, she notices a familiar figure walking with their head down. She mentally debates herself before letting out a sigh and slows down while rolling down her windows.

Billie's head snaps to the direction of the low black Shelby mustang Gt in alert, soon a familiar voice follows making her tense up a bit.

"You're gonna get sick" Alex insists waiting impatiently, soon Billie enters the car in the passenger seat making Alex roll up the window and start driving off.

The drive is silent, the air filled with tension but none of them dare to open their mouths.

Billie's eyes clued to Alex, who is driving while drumming her fingers on the gear stick to Mr. Officer by Lil Wayne playing, running her hand through her hair a couple of times.

She snaps out of her trace when Alex calls out her name, she soon realizes they are packed outside her house, she quickly mumbles an apology and thanks Alex before hopping out.

She only received an hum in response making her heart clinch but but it only hearts more when she watches Alex speed off without waiting for her to walk in the house.

She knew she deserved it though, so she sucked it up but it doesn't mean it hurt-less.

She knew she deserved it though, so she sucked it up but it doesn't mean it hurt-less

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