Chapter 2: Meet More Heroes/Black Panther Betrays the Avengers

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(Terry is seen meeting with Alex Reed.)

Terry: Who are you?

Alex: I'm Alex Reed, also known as... (the Iron Patriot Armor parts come and attach into him) ... Iron Patriot.

Terry: And what brings you here?

Alex: I'm here to help you to protect the innocent and kill supervillains.

Terry: Very well. You're in.

Alex: Good. Together we will prove that Stark is nothing compared to us!

????: I hope you guys got an available spot for me.

(Then they see Masamune Moriyama.)

Alex: You must be Masamune Moriyama.

Moriyama: The heir of the Moriyama Company. (frowns) Or I was until Stark bought the company illegaly.

Terry: (pats Moriyama's shoulder) We'll have our revenge on Stark.

(Meanwhile, Black Panther is seen hacking into the S.H.I.E.L.D's security system. In one of the videos, he finds something which susprises him.)

Black Panther: What the...

(Black Panther sees Mystique disguising as Terry Riendhardt and stealing S.H.I.E.L.D's files before handing them to Doctor Doom.)

Black Panther: So Terry was innocent after all...

(He then gets the video and quickly gets out of the place.)

(Next day, Crimson Cowl is seen at the semi-disabled Moriyama Company's rooftops along with Iron Patriot and Masamune Moriyama, who is wearing a Red Samurai Ranger uniform.)

R.S.R.: Okay, the footage should be inside the security room.

C. Cowl: We should get the evidences before Stark destroys it.

 Cowl: We should get the evidences before Stark destroys it

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R.S.R.: Got it.

(Then Venom comes in.)

C. Cowl: Are you ready?

Iron Patriot: You bet we are!

C. Cowl: (smirks) Let's kick some ass!

(Then they crack their knuckles and prepare for the battle against the Avengers.)

(Captain America, Hulk, Quicksilver, She-Hulk, Hawkeye, Namor and Spider-Girl are seen inside of the Moriyama Company looking for something until a bomb approaches them and explodes. Then Crimson Cowl comes in.)

C. Cowl: Well, well, well, ain't this a fun group.

(The Avengers gasp while Tari glares at him and makes contact with her parents and the other Avengers before looking back at him.)

Namor: (shocked) How did you get here?

C. Cowl: I have my ways. And now prepare to feel my wrath.

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