"Did you guys get detention as well?"

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Aiden hadn't talked to Selene since begin vacation, he'd left with a train early in the morning and they stayed here at the school for the entire break, in the first few years Aiden had been so jealous of Selene for it. He would do anything to not have to go back to Paris every summer but Selene didn't feel the same way about the vacations or breaks they had. As usual when Aiden arrived back to their dorm Selene was no where to be found, normally Aiden would've looked for them but he was tired, dreadfully tired so he dropped himself on the bed and didn't plan on leaving it any time soon.

Classes would start tomorrow, English, history, Latin and french, He was expected to attend to every class even though he just traveled for 8hours and had been speaking French for the entirety of the summer, the switch between languages isn't even the hardest thing about going back to school after summer vacation.  Aiden and his family lived in Paris, the center of Paris in an apartment building that was so big he could see the Eiffel Tower and all the building's around it. The manners, way of speaking and world is so different from the school and the switch in environment was hard sometimes, not just for Aiden a lot of kids found the switch between their homes and the school hard, and the teachers know but till today rules state that the kids are all expected to attend class. Selene used to life in New Zealand till the accident but had also lived in England for a while with a foster family when they were around 7. they had been close ever since they first met here at this school and both were equally as loved and hated by the teachers of cornelian academy. Aiden was one of the legacies of this school, teachers knew his parents and grandparents and his family name and family money were all over the place. He had been going here every year since he was 5, although the school for younger kids is down the road and separated.

Then suddenly Selene entered the dorm, their arms filled with books, mostly from the library and some they probably bought in the local bookstore. Comics, classics, Fantasy only a few were actually for school. "Heyy, you're back already! I didn't expect you back until 3 this afternoon. That's what miss Noble said to be the arriving time of train 14. I double checked that's the one you and the other kids prom Paris that go here would take" they were filled with energy, that's what you get after downing 5 cups of tea and spending your allowance on books. Aiden didn't answer, he didn't have the energy to explain to them that he took a train that left at 9 in the morning just to get here and away from there and had to sneak out, run away and avoid guards and noisy socialites to get to the train. But he would later, probably this evening, that's the thing with Selene and aiden. they could talk about anything, he could tell them anything and they would never judge or say the wrong thing, that's just how Selene was. The nice thing about their friendship was they didn't have to. "Paris and the family house are crowded, stay in there too long you'll get claustrophobic. At least I did" He mumbled.

"Well of course you will, the difference between the school and Paris is big Sherlock. It always takes some time to get settled" they answered. "You didn't miss much over here, so don't worry. The school had this big dinner, but the food was still not the best and the library was ordinarily quiet. I learned a few new subjects and I'm fully prepped for the next few test weeks." Aiden knew were this was going, it went like this every time. Selene would try to cheer him up by dramatically reciting why their vacation was the most boring ever and then....

"But You can never leave again, I will lock you up here and never let you leave. I'm dying here, dying of boredom!" It worked every time. Aiden couldn't help but smile and Selene had succeeded, they'd looked at aiden with a proud and smug look and jumped on their bed.
They're old roommate goosje would come back as well, her side was left untouched and was practically ready for living like this. It was a mess now and aiden was incredibly annoyed by the amount of clothes and stuff just left sitting there without any type of order, it's as if she left in a hurry. And then next to goosje on the other side of the room there was an empty bed ready to be decorated by the lucky or should I say unlucky new kid that would have to spend their time here sharing a room with the three of them. The poor kid that used to life there went missing near christmas last year, nobody had seen them. But aiden and Selene both figured the kid ran away and didn't think anything else of it, in selene's eyes you were lucky if you got out of here and aiden was incredibly uninterested in their old roommates, they come and they go.

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