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Hair falls all over the floor and i just stare, too scared to look in the mirror. What if i look bad? What if they yell at me? What will i do if i like myself better this way? Thoughts surround my mind. My brain can't deal with all of this. I finally do it. I look up. Almost there. My hair is now up to my shoulders, instead of to my ribs or chest. I'm screwed. So screwed. Ive already done this and im surprised no one has caught on. My hair used to go to my ribs, but i cut it to my chest, only three weeks ago. And know, here i am, so close to cutting my hair so short, that'll look just like a boy. Well except for my chest. I really need to work on that. Maybe I'll ask Eret for one of those binder things. I'm pretty sure she has at least one of them. I mean why wouldn't they. I did some research about binders, and hopefully they would help me out for now. He hopefully won't ask about it.

I look down at my wrists. Why did i ever do that? Why did i think that was okay? why did i just do it? i didnt even think about it... i just did it. why?

I'm about to put on a hoodie to cover up the cuts, when someone opens the door.

"Eloise!? What the fuck is that on your wrist?" I hear a voice say.

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hey so uh sorry that i havent updating in months, i genuinely forgot about this and have been extremely busy w/ school, i hope yall forgive me, but ill try my best to upload one more chapter after this one today.

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