[1]A ferret... fledgling??

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(Before this chapter begins I would like to say that I'm not the best at writing age regressions/littles, so please forgive me if I do something wrong and point it out so I can correct it. Also! This is not age play! There is no NSFW on this book so do not associate littles/caretakers with age play! It is age REGRESSION. That is all.)
[Tubbo and Ranboo, 3rd person]

"Tommy must've gone somewhere... but where?" Ranboo stated. Both boys were sitting on one of the roots of the tree, debating on where Tommy could've gone. They didn't know if they should look or stay at the tree, since it was getting dark. The sun was at the skyline, giving the atmosphere a warm orange and yellow mixed hue that intertwined with each other, otherwise known as sunset. Tubbo huddled close to ranboo, shivering slightly.

"Maybe he's on one of his days where he doesn't come to the tree for a day, then appears again? He hasn't done that in a while." Tubbo knew that Tommy disappeared once in a while, so maybe this was one of the days. He bit his tongue gently, after speaking, so he wouldn't chatter his teeth.

"Maybe. Should we just stay here and wait?" Ranboo was tempted to try and search the forest for the raccoon boy, but he also didn't want to leave tubbo alone.

"Yeah, we should stay." Tubbo decided. He got up from sitting down and looked up at the tree and jumped before clinging onto a branch and twisting his body around it, manoeuvring to get inside the tree. It was kinda cool to be honest. Ranboo got up and just teleported inside the tree, not doing any tricks or stunts to get inside. They sat inside, less huddled together.

[with... oh my god it'S CHARLIE SLIMECIC-]

Slimecicle walked around the forest, admiring the sunset. He wondered how Tommy was, since he hasn't seen him for some time. His heart swelled at the thought that he would be happy to see the slime, but also broke at the thought of the child not knowing who he was.

As he walked around the forest, he tried remembering the tree that tommy and his friends lived in. Looking around a bit more, they saw a child stuck in a tree. Slimecicle got... very confused.

Why was there a child in the woods all alone?

The child had golden curly hair and was clinging to one of the branches in the tree, sleeping. It was hard to tell how old the child actually was, since they looked a lot younger from far away. Maybe slime should've brought his glasses so he could tell from afar.

Slimecicle wanted to help the child, since quackity always said to help younger ones or those in need. Sensing that this child would possibly be able to scale the tree in seconds, so they could probably be living from this forest for a while, slime just stretched out some of his goop and scaled the bark of the tree with ease (while in a really sticky blob form).

Slimecicle sat on a branch that looked stable enough to support their weight, morphing back into a more soluble form that he was comfortable with, and waited for the child to wake up.

Slime couldn't help but stare at the child while they slept. They seemed awfully familiar, with the golden hair and the battered clothes. Maybe they were imitating tommy... was this one of his friends? A shapeshifter?

After a few minutes, the child seemed to be waking up. Slime didn't say anything, just questioning if this child was mimicking tommy. Or maybe they were tommy. But that's ridiculous the child would be shorter than Tommy so it's absurd-

"M...?" Tommy said, rubbing one of his eyes and frowning a little at the circumstance he was in. He scooted around so he was properly sat on the branch (criss-cross applesauce style) and looked around, before spotting Slimecicle. "...slimey?"

Slime was slightly baffled by the name. Only tommy called him that Who was this child? Was it tommy?? Are they the same person????

Tommy reached out to touch Slime's skin, letting out a low grumble as they just fiddled around with it. He let the ch... tommy do that.

"Do you remember how old you are, toms?"

Tommy held out a hand, and outstretched five fingers.

"'M five..."

Slimecicle smiled a small smile, Tommy probably was an age regressor. He was okay with that. He was a caretaker after all, so he didn't mind one bit. In fact, it made him a little happy since he could take care of a little tommy.

"Such a big boy!" Smile exclaimed in a happy tone, but with the volume of his normal voice.

Tommy smiled at slime and nodded.

"Imma big boy!" Tommy slightly yelled, clapping his hands together by using his palms so he wouldn't make loud noises. Slime nodded, the small smile on his face growing larger.

He continued to let tommy play with their skin... slime, smiling fondly as toms focused their attention to the small drawing they were making in his goopy arm.

"What's tommy drawing? Can I see?" Slime smiled as tommy looked up from his focused drawing, an angry...? pout on his face that was hiding a smile which slime could see wasn't working very well.

"'M not fimished yet slimey!" Toms whined out, making slime's heart slightly swell in awe.

"Okay okay toms, I'll wait." Slimecicle had to keep his 'awes' inside his head, so Tommy wouldn't be embarrassed.

"'M done slimey!" Tommy smiled and looked up from his drawing in the slime's arm.

Slimecicle looked down at his arm, his heart swelling more. It was a drawing of tommy and himself, poorly made but slime didn't care.

"Do you like it slimey?" Tommy fiddled with his fingers as slime looked back at him. He pat tommy on the head gently.

"Well done toms! I love it!" Slimecicle 'awe'd again, making tommy smile more. Tommys tail swished around in glee, making Slimecicle smile even wider.

"Thamk you slimey!" Tommy clapped with his palms again, making slime pat tommy on the head even more.

Slimecicle looked around, it was getting darker... where does Tommy go for the night? His smile faded, but tommy couldn't see since he was too busy enjoying the head pats he was receiving. Slime smiled but retracted his hand, earning a grumpy whine from tommy.

"Toms, do you have anywhere to sleep right now? In a bed?"

Tommy shook his head. "Mama brought me here, so I don' hav' anywhere to sleeps."

Slime started to frown at that, not that tommy would know though, and looked at tommy.

"Do you want to stay with big bro slimey if you can't sleep here?" Slimecicle probably had enough room for a kid... maybe more like a few kids but that's not the point.

Tommy pondered the question, before slowly nodding. "M' frens awe... hewe too... can we brimg em?"

Slime nodded. "We can bring them along. Can you show me where your friends are?"

Tommy shook their head, starting to frown. "No... i got lost an' so I climbed dis tree so I could sleeps. Can we go back after so we can finds them?"

Slime smiled, Tommy was a very polite little. "Yes, yes we can."

Tommy smiled at Slime, before looking down at the ground. Their ears flattened to their head and they started to grumble a little before looking back at slime.

"Issa long way up here, an' a long way down here. I don' like heights." Tommy pouted and slime stopped smiling. Tommy's frightened at heights, and slime never knew.

"Ok toms, I can carry you down but you have to promise me to be a big boy and not let go. Can you promise me that?"

"Toms can try to promise dat... I promise I won' let go." Tommy held out his pinkie, but slime just gently ruffled the kid's hair which made Tommy smile.

Slime turned around and let tommy cling onto his back, before slowly making his way down to the floor of the forest.

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