Chapter 12

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A/N: Hello. This chapter was a bit rushed and is not edited so I apologize for the emptiness in most of the scenes here. Also, wattpad was down for me for quite some time today, did it happen to you too?

Enjoy the chapter!!

Y/n’s P.O.V.

After that mission, I was visibly and physically exhausted and I needed rest to recover all my strength that had vanished.

Just as that moment passed, a familiar crow had appeared in front of me then landed on my shoulder with an agitated look on its face.

“Ginko?” I asked under my breath trying to rack my brain on the reasons why Muichiro’s crow was here.

“CAW CAW!! LETTER FROM MY MASTER!!” It shouted directly in my ear which I knew was on purpose. I knew she hated me, it was very evident in her actions towards.

She then dropped the letter on my hand before quickly flying away from me and heading south from my location.

As much as I was still angry that he had kept a huge secret from me, my curiosity never failed to amaze me as I slowly and hesitantly opened the letter to read the contents of it.

Hey y/n,

You didn’t look too happy earlier today. Sorry for that.


I scanned through the contents of the letter again, re-reading every word I encountered. It was truly unbelievable.

Muichiro, apologizing?


Although I didn’t know him long enough to have the right to accuse such things, it was clear that he wasn’t that type of person.

Not in a million years if I could say.

I sighed deeply before wrapping the letter together in a thin red rope I kept in my pocket. I didn’t want to think about it any longer.

I continued on my path back home, still trying to ignore the sharp pain that coursed all throughout my body.

I passed by several different towns on the way, but when I came across one, I realized something.

I could ignore the pain, but my hunger was slowly devouring me from the inside as my stomach growled in anger.

I was so focused on the pain, I had completely forgotten I lacked sufficient food.

I made a quick stop at a wooden stall that sold ramen before going ahead to purchase some for my stomach's delight.

“One bowl please” I politely asked the person I assumed was the stall owner.

He was a man in his late-thirties, I could guess from his appearance.

At first he hesitated about my identity, seeing that a little girl in a uniform, a haori, and a sword strapped on her hips with injuries all over her body had come to buy a bowl of ramen from a street side shop.

I will admit, if I was in his position, it would look a bit sketchy.

“2911 yen” he hesitantly stated, making me widen my eyes and open my mouth in shock at the price.

‘What a scam’ I internally ruminated, but just at that moment, my stomach had growled.

I could smell the enchanting aroma coming from deep inside the stall.

It growled loudly enough to make me bring out some money from a pocket on my uniform and hand it over to him.

“It will be ready in 8 minutes. Please bear with me and wait for it” he pleaded before going deep into the stall.

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