14:I think I love you to (3/3)(sorry)

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Billy ran inside the house not even glancing back at Steve.
He knew he should've waited for an answer but he was afraid of what that answer would be.
 He slammed the door shut behind him not even caring what Neil was gonna say or do to him at the moment, all he could think of the moment was Steve , would he like him back or at least not hate him for liking the same sex at least, well that last part Billy knew Steve wouldn't hate him. right? 

Billy sighed and saw the person he dreaded the most, he gulped and slowly walked past Neil who was sitting on the couch watching tv, honestly Billy was surprised that Neil didn't say anything at all but was happy but also a little worried about him not saying anything.
 He flinch a little when Neil got up but sighed when he watched Neil just go into his room closing the door behind him.

He glared at the door before shaking his head and went over into his own room and closed the door behind him, locking it he slid down against the door and puts his hands against his face.
"why the fuck did I do that, why did it have to be that dumbass to make me feel that way' laughed as he lean his head back.
yea he wanted to scream out loud, to let something out, to spill out all his feelings but he was afraid, afraid those monsters were gonna come back, or Neil beating him again for no reason.
he wanted to let those hidden tears that he never shown to anyone else to just spill out  without someone asking if he was ok. or were those the exact words he wanted someone to ask.

"God I got myself weak for a little bitch" He chuckled to himself 
"fuck, pretty boy you did something to me, I hate it so much" he whisper to himself as he leaned his head back against the door staring up at the roof wondering what's gonna happen tomorrow. 
He was afraid, worried, anxious but also excited for what was to come.


 Steve found himself being pushed into a random wall by someone who he couldn't make out of who it was,
all he knew was that person was roughly kissing him and not letting him to stop the kiss,
 they were being rough with him but at the same gentle enough to not hurt him. 
  he closed his eyes and kissed the other person just as rough as they had, it felt like he couldn't control himself 
 He smiled during the kiss while grabbing their hands spinning  them around so the person he's kissing is now pinned against the wall. 
He finally started to open his eyes slowly and saw who he was kissing .

"Billy...?" the name came out in a tiny but shocking voice
"Hello there princess" Billy said as he moved closer to Steve, slowly putting his lips against Steve's. 
Steve just let it happen before finally kissing back closing his eyes "I love you" Steve heard Billy whisper in his ear.
 Steve felt his face heating up as he opened his eyes not seeing Billy now
"I lov- huh....Billy.....BillY!!" He screamed as he quickly looked around realizing the room he was  in was now pitch black.

He screamed out Billy's name but no replied came back.
Tears started to fall from his eyes, he couldn't stop them,
his eyes started to fog up. He didn't wiped them away as he was to busy looking for Billy.

After a few minutes he stopped screaming for Billy and stopped looking out
as he breathe in and out deeply before wiping the tears away.
he once again looked around seeing he was back in that mall..

 He looked down at his hands seeing he was holding that same bat
but this time it didn't have the nails in it,
it seemed like someone or something had  taken them all out.
before he could even think about anything he heard screaming again
his head shot up to see where it came from but he only saw the same giant monster in the middle of the mall. 

he tried to scream out at the monster to go away but he couldn't make a sound... his voice just wouldn't come out.
everything else was also so quiet except a beeping noise that just seemed to get louder with each pass second.
 dark foggy clouds were starting to seep into the building,
before he  could even think about doing anything the fog had already consumed everything around him.
he felt himself falling into  a void with no end.
The beeping was getting louder 
the screams were getting quieter
His eyes shot open, he quickly sat up and looked around before realizing it was all a dream
The alarm from his clock was still beeping .
the sun was shining brightly thru the curtains
'to bright' Steve mumbled out as he covered his eyes with his arm as he lay back down.  

'wait...'his eyes slowly open  "SHIt!" he quickly got up but almost falling out of the bed this time "I'm late I'm late" he repeat a few times as he was rushing  to get different clothes on. 
he  headed into the washroom  while putting on his pants
 He sighed looking at the mess of his hair in the mirror 
"it'll have to wait"
  his eyes landed on his lips as he remembered the dream kiss. 
he could feel his face heating up. 
the alarm clock beeping brought him out of the trance 
"fuck" he ran back to the bedroom and grabbed his phone and keys from his bedside table before running out the door and into the front room.
he put on his boots before grabbing his jacket. he didn't even bother putting on the jacket he just locked the door behind him and ran to the car.

After a few minutes he was driving down the road heading for the school.
he already knew or thought  that the others prob got there somehow,
He drove into the schools parking lot, he parked near the edge of the parking lot as it was easier then looking for a closer spot.
 The school's bell started to ring right as he turned the car off
 He sighed debating to not go in at all
leaning his head back against the head rest his eyes closed 

He knew if he saw Billy he would want to tell him..
tell that fucking airhead that he loved him back
but he couldn't cause of all these homophobic bitches

(all the writing and storyline before this point, sucked! I really didn't want to rewrite so I left it. after this should be a lil better I hope? or well my next book cause I think ima be done with this one and might rewrite this one and change a whole bunch of stuff )

"for fuck sakes" He mumbled out as he got out slamming his car door behind him 
Looking around the parking lot He sighed kinda hoping Billy was out here somewhere.

 running over to the entrance of the school He almost ran straight into the glass door "I am to tired for this shit" he sighed as he shook his head before walking inside,
other students were walking around looking for something or just hanging out with friends
'missing classes never hurt anyone..' he thought  as he looked around for Billy 'now where is that dumbass'.
It didn't take long till Steve got his answer to his question.
  two hands grabbed his shoulder and a deep voice said boo in his ear.
"My fucking god Billy" Steve glared at his 'attacker'.
Billy smirked "were you looking for me?or- aww you miss me" on the outside Billy seemed so unbothered but in the inside he was a  panicking mess.

Steve rolled his eyes 'now why in the hell did I fall in love with this dumbass' 
"and if I do? I could just leave and find something else to do today then you" 
Billy froze for a hot second before bursting out laughing "do me huh?"
Steve glared at the other again "that is not what I meant" he shook his head 

"so is that a " Billy coughed before doing his best girly voice "OoH Billy I love you to so much"
"I am so close to you punching you right now" Steve put his thumb and middle finger against each other  as he did a fake smile before it turning into an actual smile "but y-" he stop mid sentence as he quickly looked around to make sure no-one else was watching "but yes, its a yes you stupid dumbass" he smiled as he turned around and started walking back towards the main doors "you coming?" he smiled back at Billy 
"hell yea I am" Billy ran over and smiled.

"lets go pretty boy"

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