Order 66

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"Master! No.." Caleb sobbed, on his knees by his Master's rapidly dying and limp body.
"Caleb.. Run.." Deppa said with her final breath.
She exhaled, sort of in a sigh, for the last time and her eyes fell shut. She was completely still and very pale. He wept and Ariana put a hand on his shoulder. Her Master had also been struck down. No one ever saw them coming.. The betrayal almost made her angry. The jedi trusted the Clones.. Treated them kindly. Now they turned on them and killed any and every jedi they could find.
She frowned, tears flowing down her cheeks. "Caleb, I know this is hard, but.. We need to go."
With tears streaming down their faces, Caleb left his dead Master and ran with Ariana. They found cloaks and put them on, lowering the hoods. They took Deppa's old speeder and went to the undercity. After that, they found an abandoned building to spend the night. They shivered because of the cold and the events of this horrible day. Memories of the execution of Order 66 haunted their sleep. So many jedi fell. As far as they knew, they were the only ones left.. The only survivors of the jedi, cold and hungry on the concrete floor. From each side of the room, both Ariana and Caleb couldn't sleep.. They were too scared, scarred, and worried. So the two young padawans shivered through the night, haunted by memories and jumped at every creak and groan the old building made.

Surviving Order 66Where stories live. Discover now