🍃Chapter 12🍃

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Two Days Later. . .

Wilbur slowly gained his hearing back, huge brown eyes frantically looking around the blown-up land that surrounded him. "Tommy? Fundy?" He could barely hear himself, the older male repeating the names as he looked around for his younger brother and only child. Even though his own body ached to stop moving, he forced himself to stand, eyes still crossing the fire-ridden area frantically. "FUNDY! TOMMY!" 
"Ghostbur." The brownette turned around hearing the familiar voice of his younger brother. He paused though, seeing the male before him an older version of the one he was looking for. His once-bright eyes looked dull, scars covering him head to toe, his once perky ears now lazily laying against his head as his tail dragged behind him. His hair was longer than the younger usually kept it, a few braids mixed in or framing his face. His clothes were even different, a red sweater with a tan brown coat along with black jeans and brown boots. He looked as if he lived in the cold, unlike the beautiful grassy L'manurg they were fighting so hard for. "Ghostbur, wake up!" 

Blue eyes shot open, a gasp of air as he jerked forwards on the couch he was laying on. Tommy sat next to it, a cup of cocoa in his hand and a worried look on his face. Ghostbur paused, looking the other over. He didn't have the tan coat on and his boots were off, but he still had the black pants and red sweater on from the... dream? It felt almost like a memory to the other. "Ghostbur?" The older brother fixed the circular glasses on his face, letting his blue eyes meet the raccoon's dead ones. 
"Yes, Tommy?" 
"Are you alright?" He held the cup out for the other. Ghostbur hesitantly took it, letting the heat from the cup burn his hands slightly. He still didn't know how he was alive- breathing that is. He looked different as well, his once beautiful brown hair was now snow-white, except for one streak in the front that kept its normal color. He still had his blue eyes, his circular glasses also staying the same. His clothes changed a little though. He once wore one yellow sweater with brown pants and brown dress shoes, now he wore a brown turtle neck under a puffy yellow sweater, the yellow sleeves stopping just after his elbows, and the brown sleeves under it continuing on to cover the rest of his arms. He now wore black ripped jeans as well, and black boots with gray fur inside to match. His once broken wings were now pure white, and the male could now use them as well, now taking flying lessons from his father. It was strange, if he was being honest. He never thought he would be alive, as a human that is. 
"Thank you, Toms." The newly revived ghost says, ruffling the youngers hair slightly. His voice was still as sweet as ever, at least he hadn't lost that. He brought the cup to his lips, taking a few sips of the chocolaty drink. 
"Technoblade said that you look human now." Before the once ghost could react, hands plopped onto his cheeks, as if trying to map out what the other looked like. 
"I- my face is the same Tommy!" Bur giggles, watching a shy smile form on the blond's lips too. Tommy takes his hands away slowly, moving to sit on the couch next to his older brother. Ghostbur moves so the other can, laying against the back cushions as he sips on his new drink. 
"Then what do you look like? Techno said you look different." Bur sets the cup of cocoa down on the side table, turning to face the other. 
"My hair is mostly white now, except for a brown streak in the front, and my clothes are a bit different now, and my wings work now! They have white feathers, isn't that cool?" Tommy smiles, nodding as he looks towards the other. 
"It sounds pretty cool, yes." Ghostbur smiles, lifting his hand and letting his lanky fingers run through the others' longer hair. He remembers everything too, the wars and pain he had been dealt. But he wouldn't mention that yet, he loved the peace this moment held. Tommy leaned into the other brother, eyes closing as he lost himself in the comfort of the other and sleep. Bur couldn't help but smile brighter at the sight. He remembered the alert Tommy, the paranoid one that always jumped at everything. It was nice seeing the other act this way, carefree and safe. He wished it could always be like this, but if his memories told him anything, this would change. Something would happen to change the peace this small family felt. He placed a kiss on his younger brother's forehead, blue eyes looking towards the living room entrance where Technoblade stood watching with a fond smile. 
The pinkette walked in slowly, looking towards the sleeping raccoon leaning onto Ghostbur before speaking. "Eventually, you have to tell me what happened. How are you... not a ghost?" Bur didn't know the answer to that himself, biting at his lip as the thought of an answer. 
"Dream tried to kill me, for what reason I don't know. But maybe That has something to do with it?" The piglin hybrid nods, looking distant as he thinks. 
"Dream tried to kill Tommy too." The winged brother stopped at that, blue eyes widening at the other's words. "He's the one that... blinded Tommy." It was hard to hear the other as he spoke, but he pulled his younger brother closer to himself as he listened. "If I didn't show up when I did, he'd be dead right now. And it would be all his and L'manburgs fault." Bur hated the idea of his little brother being dead, lost to limbo as a broken soul that only endured pain and suffering. "I'm ending both Dream, and L'manburg." The white-haired male nodded along. 
"L'manburg should not have been remade after I blew it up." He says. "Or, well- Wilbur that is." Technoblade pauses, blue eyes watching the other. 
"You remember?" 
"I remember everything." He answers, face now blank as he looks towards the fire before him. "I remember the wars, I remember the exile, I remember Wilbur going insane... but I also remember why he did what he did." Technoblade looked concerned, eyes watching Ghostbur in a questioning way. "He knew making L'manburg in the first place was a mistake, one he needed to fix. He needed to leave L'manburg as his unfinished symphony. But even after blowing the country up... he couldn't live with the guilt of what he had done." A few tears trickled out of his cloudy eyes. "So, he asked father to help him in his suicide. And he did."  Technoblade reached out, chasing a few of the loose tears away. He'd never cried before, but he guessed he could now since he was... human. 
"It's ok. You don't need to help in the destruction of L'manburg." Bur paused, looking towards his older brother. Technoblade, even if only by a few minutes, was the oldest out of them. He always looked out for them as children and kept them safe. He was always there for him and Tommy, and now Bur knew he needed to repay the other by standing next to the other now. 
"No, I will help." Ghostbur says. "I will help end L'maburg for the last time- for good." Technoblade smiled softly. 
"Ok, Ghosty." Ghostbur smiled at the nickname, huffing a laugh as Technoblade tried to scoot onto the couch on the other side of Tommy. It was comfortable, all three together like they were when they were younger. How Ghostbur wished he could have changed the outcome of their childhood, got the raccoons back before he had ripped it away from the other. Maybe now he could make up for Wilburs past mistakes. 

Hey! So, I didn't want to put this up on my other chapter because it would have given away what Ghostbur would look like, but I got the inspiration for Ghostburs look from this picture I found on Pinterest when I was looking around! So here it is!:

Hey! So, I didn't want to put this up on my other chapter because it would have given away what Ghostbur would look like, but I got the inspiration for Ghostburs look from this picture I found on Pinterest when I was looking around! So here it is!:

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Idk who the artist is, but holy shit their art style is sooooo cute! I obviously didn't just slap this Ghostbur look into this book, because I did want it to be original... But I did snatch a few ideas from this picture (like the hair, and some of the clothes ideas)! I just wanted to credit bc, well, it's the decent thing to do lol. Anyways, until next time!!!! BYEEEEE!!!! (also if you know who this artist is pls tell me, pls. Bc I want to know lol)

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