🍃Chapter 23🍃

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Tommy sat in the living room with Technoblade, who was softly reading one of his many mythology stories to the young teen. The raccoon hybrid was curled into the olders side, eyes closed and threatening to drift off into sleep any moment. He was close to doing so when the front door was opened, Philza’s footsteps filling the once quiet house. Technoblade stopped reading, probably looking towards their father.

“I got word that Ranboo is missing.” Tommy let his ears perk at that. Ranboo, someone that Tommy had saved from exile, was missing. Ranboo was weird, but even after exile he kept visiting, at least until recently anyways. One day he just stopped, and Tommy only grew more depressed, convinced Ranboo finally had enough of his annoying personality. Techno huffs at their dad's words, slightly shifting, probably putting the book he had been reading down. 
“Who told you that? Your crows?” Tommy couldn’t help but chuckle himself, finally looking towards where he last heard their father with a smile. 
“Actually, yes they did.” A pause. 
“Wait, so you mean to tell me that you’ve had spies in L’manburg, which would have been very useful to know, and didn’t tell us?” A long pause. 
“I thought I told you.” Technoblade groaned, getting up from his seat leaving Tommy alone and now cold. The raccoon teen hissed in anger, curling his tail closer to himself trying to preserve the little warmth he now had. “Well anyways, Tubbo had L’manburg on lockdown now. He apparently thinks it’s The Greater Dream SMP that did it.” Tommy was confused why that kingdom would want anything from Ranboo, seeing as the man was basically harmless. He was lanky and tall and intimidating at times, yes, but he was also soft and only wanted friends to surround himself with- that and he had memory problems.

He was harmless, so why would that stupid kingdom want anything from such a kind teen? And why were they only targeting kids? 
“Wouldn’t put it past Dream to kidnap a minor, honestly.” It was Wilbur, when did he get here? 
“You really think it's true?” Ghostbur- how did Tommy not hear these two walk in? 
“Yeah, he’s always been… different. It seems like something his twisted mind would come up with.” The eldest brother seemed very confident with his words. 
“Poor Ranboo, it had to have been D…” The revived man paused for a moment. “It had to be him who did it, you know. He basically runs that kingdom.” Bur mutters, Tommy couldn’t help the sadness that filled him. He knew who they were talking about, he knew Dream defiantly was sinking his claws into Ranboo, torturing the poor boy like he had dome to him. He’s sure he’s manipulating the poor teen into believing some made-up story, just to fuck with his head.

Tommy’s ears flattened at the thought. He dug his nails into his forearms trying to stop himself from shaking, he’s sure his face read his emotions, but he didn’t want Dream to have this effect on him anymore, he didn’t want to fear the green bastard anymore. 
“W-we need to save him.” He could feel their eyes on him. “We need to save him.” He hoped making himself sound more sure would convince them. “I know what its like to be in his place, I don’t want him to go through what I did- I don’t want him to-” He could feel himself slipping, his lungs tightening as the memories flooded back in. Everything seemed fuzzy, far away even, breath leaving him and refusing to return. Then, hands landed on his shoulders jerking him out of his episode before it really began. 
“Toms, it’s ok. We’ll save him. We’ll get him out of there ok?” Phil, it was Phil. Tommy jarked a nod, forcing himself to stand. He circled the couch back to Philza, letting the bird hybrid hug him close as he shook. The man didn’t say anything, only wrapped his arms around the teen, squeezing the other close. No one spoke, probably afraid one wrong move would set the raccoon hybrid off again. 
“I hate this.” He mutters. Phil raised one of his hands letting his fingers lace through the teen's blond hair. 
“You hate what?” Tommy felt the tears, he wanted to force them back like he usually would. But living in such a domestic setting, with a family that seemed to be showing more emotions than usual, at least one of them ended up crying once a day. He usually hates crying, despised it with a passion after Wilbur had said crying was for the weak. Tommy had wanted to be strong, but even now Wilbur seemed to have dropped his once hard esthetic for a more soft one.

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