More Relatives

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"I don't wanna..." Cat whined

"Cat, you have to! It's been too long and Luna deserves to know she has a big sister!" I scold Cat.

As you can see I'm making Cat go tell Luna she's her half-sister because it's about time she told her, besides, tomorrow we're taking our O.W.Ls and I think before we take the test Cat should tell Luna.

"Cat, it'll be good for you to tell her, she'll be really happy!" Skylar told her as me and her drag her to where Luna is.

"No! She'll hate me!"

"Cat, don't worry, Luna will understand just go over to her and explain everything you know about your parents." I told Cat and she growle at us glaring at me.

We found Luna and walked up to her while she put up poster of lost things. Luna looked over with a dreamy look as usual. "Oh, hello, Dawn, Ski, Kitty." Luna said dreamily, calling Cat by her nickname.

"Hey, Luna." we say at the same time.

"Luna, Cat needs to explain some things to you...Just hear her out, okay?" I said and she nodded.

"Of course," She said and me and Skylar walked away but hide behind a wall and look over watching Cat explain.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see four people me and Ski haven't seen in a while. "Vicky! Ell! Lana! Amber!" I gasp and hug them.

"Hey, Dawn!" Said my friends.

"Ell!" Cried Ski and hugged her sister.

I should introduce you to these people. There's Victoria Chindren, a friend of mine, she's in fifth year (A/n: Someone requested her and I didn't write it down I don't remember what house she's in, what her family is, and what she looks like. She was requested by @noory978 )

Then there's Ellie Black she's Skylar's sister who's also in fifth year she's a metamorphamus but her nature look is she has dark blonde hair with some light highlights, green eyes, and she's tan. She's sisters with Skylar through Sirius but have different Mums...I think, I don't know. She's mine, Cat, and my cat, Cathy, best friend. She's a Gryffindor and didn't go to a different school like Ski. She has a owl name tweety to.

Then there's Lana Lee we'll sometime call her L or Ells, Lana is a fifth year and has blonde hair with some gray streams that'll normally tell her mood like Delilah's eyes tell her mood. She has a sorta gray/silver eyes and fair skin she's a Ravenclaw and she has a cat named Sweetie.

Then there's Amber Valentine, we'll call her Aivy sometimes. She has auburn hair and chocolate brown eyes, she's beautiful and skinny and about the same height as me. She's a smart cookie, alright, but she loves pranks, definitely a risk taker, and definitely not a goody goody. It shows too because she's dating Fred Weasley. Amber is a Gryffindor and has a phoenix named Anna and she understands her like I understand Cathy (A/n: Just like Kiki's Delivery Service :D ) and has a long haired fluffy cat that's white and surprisingly doesn't shed a thing and just a giant ball of fur. She's quite adorable. Her name is Katy Purry actually (A/n: I didn't get it until I started listening to Katy Perry and started laughing, brilliant name for a cat).

"How have you guys been!?" I ask excitedly.

"Fine, how have you've been? We heard what happened." Lana asked.

"I've been good," I lied. Sadly Victoria saw right through me.

"Dawn, don't lie, what's the matter?" Victoria said and I sigh.

"It''s just my adoptive father..."

"What has he done!? Do I need to murder him!" Amber said and I shook my head.

"No, he died from a heart-attack because of me a week ago."

"How in the Gryffindor dose he died of a heart-attack because of you? You're miles away from him, Dawn." Said Lana and I explained to them about the visit I had with my parents.

Their eyes widen after I was done and I look down ashamed an Ski puts her hand on my shoulder comfortingly. "Dawn, you didn't kill him, you are more worth then that bastard." Victoria told me I look up to her.

"Me staying alive at a cost of someone's soul, Vicky! I can't live with myself knowing I was the cause!" I said, feeling tears peak in my eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey." Said Skylar softly squeezing my shoulder comfortingly. "It's okay, Dawn, it's alright. You are worth million of time more then that man he was a bad man who abused you and is a bastard to his wife too. You'll be okay you were not the cause he knew the consequence of whatever made him have a heart attack it was his time not yours, you understand?"

I stare at Skylar for a second and nodded shakily. "Alrigh," I sigh. "I just hope my adoptive mother wont blame she always does."

"Then you'll be staying with mine and Ski's Dad." Ellie said and I hesitated but nodded I didn't want to be a burden but I think Uncle Sirius would like the company, I guess.

"Now," said Amber, a mischief glint in her eye. "Tell us all about your plans for the summer Holiday because we'd want to have it with you."

I gave her a faint fake smile telling them I wanted to stay at home and probably addition for a play for Phantom of the Opera and everything else enjoying chatting with my old friends.

A/n: Wow, it's been a while since I've made a chapter for Silent! I've been busy with my new puppy, Porkchop, he's adorable and I've been getting ready for him for the past week or two. Anyways, I hope you guys liked the chapter!

Also, I'm writing down all the creators of the characters and if anybody else wants to be in the book will possibly be in the sixth year because I can't add anyone else since we're very close to the end.

Okay, not the creators.

Victoria Beesman Chindren: @noory978 

Ellie Maree Black: @cray_cray_girl16 

Lana Lily Lee: @cookie_hugger 

Amber Isaac Valentine: @girlygirlstar 

(P.S. If I've forgotten to add someone tell me and I'll add you into a special chapter.)

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