chapter 2

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Next morning, Khushi went to AR design to meet her Arnavji with a smiling face . When she entered inside the building all the employees stand up for greet her . She was all confuse with thier behaviour toward her . To addict more at her confusion she was no stop all the way to " the ASR" cabin . Now face at the door of the cabin she Knocks and hear a soft coming . She entered and her heart was immediately in peace when she met his eyes

 She entered and her heart was immediately in peace  when she met his eyes

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She was lost in his face , he looks so handsome when he smiles . She was shamelessly ogling at he when she came out of her "arnavji land " by his voice :
" If you have finish check me out , you can give me a morning kiss what say sweetheart? " Arnav said with is special smile
Khushi became all red after the words spoke by arnavji .
" Jaan if you continuous blush like that I will surely kiss now"
" Arnavji who is stopping you?" Say Khushi
Arnav was shocked by her reply , but no for so long . He came to her and take her face in his hand and took her lips with his and they keep kissing each other madly to express express their love , passion and the promise of thier togetherness . They broke the kiss breathing heavily . Arnav took Khushi to his personal room in office

(Picture of the room)He sat on the bed with Khushi on his laps

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(Picture of the room)
He sat on the bed with Khushi on his laps. After few minutes of silence, arnav said
" Jaan you know that I love you and I can't afford to loose you . It's why I want to marry you now this day"
Khushi was shocked and happy at the new. She knows that arnavji is the love of her love , her soulmate but she can't marry him without the blessing of her babuji and the consent of the Raizada family.

" Arnavji me too I love you but how can we marry today without the knowledge of you family or my babuji? It's not correct!"
" Baby I know that it is important for you to have the presence of you babuji with you to take this decision but please Jaan I promise you that when the right time comes I will personally follow all the process to ask you hand to you father , but baby please I can't do that now because you know you live Will be in danger."
" I agree" said Khushi " you know arnavji I agree because I know that you love like I do , but arnavji you will not feel bad for not said anything to anjaliji?

" No Jaan and we will have a traditional marriage according to our kundali ( sorry if didn't put or write the good word I'm not Indian 😊) you came with you kundali?
"Yes I came with it"
"It's good "
He made Khushi seat on the bed and took a file which was on the table near the bed and sign before give it to Khushi:
" Jaan please sign here it is the documents for our marriage certification "
Khushi sign the documents without read them and said to arnav that she have a blind trust in him .
" Khushi my lawyer will send the court orders at you house and with this you can threaten them to let you in peace . Are you okay with this baby?"
" Thank you so much arnavji!"
"Jaan you don't have to say thank to me , you have to order me baby! I'm all yours!"
" Okay arnavji"
After spending quality time in talking about about each other , Khushi went back to Gupta house and the things gone exaly like arnav said .

In RM , when arnav said that he will not marry immediately Lavanya all were disappointed and hell angry with arnav who was to busy in his Khushi land to pay attention to the emotional drama of his family.

Next day afternoon , Khushi was in RM to continuous training Lavanya , when ASR inter the house and see her. Immediately,all his frustration and anger go away. After greeting everyone said :
" Khushi please make me a coffee"
" Sure arnavji"
All the people present in the living room was shocked ASR and" please"
and to Khushi it's Impossible.

It was just the beginning of a series of events .

Sorry for the late update but I'm really busy with university . I will make efforts to update One or two time in a week 😊😊 . please give me your opinion 🥺🥺

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