chapter 10

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Arshi room

Khushi told arnav what happened in Gupta House when she returned last night


Khushi inter inside GH to see that her so called family were attending guests .  The shock was when she saws the face of their guests : Samar and his family . If it was one week before she would have been excited to saw him after such a long time but right now she could just thought what are his intentions to come here. She came out of her thoughts by the voice of her " Amma :
"Khushi  welcome home . It's great that you came now  . Common see Samar came to talk to you  " Garima said 
Moving forward to take the blessings of the senior Oberoi , Khushi was crashed into a hug by them . Shifting her attention towards Samar she forward her hand for a handshake with him . He took her hand in his and kiss her hand making her jerk her hand away from him .

" What are doing Samarji ? How dare you  kiss my hand ? Asked a angered Khushi
" Khushi it's a way to talk with Samar bitiwa ?"said Garima
" Hey Nandkishore this girl is so illmaners  see how she behaves with our bitiwa !" Buaji said
" Aunty Khushi is not wrong the fault it's entirely mine  . I should have told her about  our relationship to her before show her openly my affection for her."Said Samar .

" Our son is correct Garima , we can't expect Khushi to behave cooly with Samar after what he did  without be aware of the truth  . " Rami said

"What truth you're talking about aunty and Samarji what relationship we share other than childhood friends? " A perplex Khushi asked because once again she was shattered  by the behaviour of the people of this family particularly with Payal  because once again she was silent when Amma and buaji were  scolding her without reasons.

Khushi you know our parents were very close to each other . They had made our engagement one year before the accident in which your parents died . I know is a shock to you Khushi but believe me it is the truth . They wanted us to marry each other in future ." Samar explain

For Khushi it was just like a nightmare , she can't believe her parents have done her engagement in her childhood when  she didn't understand the value of this type of relationship . Now that she knows this secret , she is already tied with her arnavji , she can not even think of leave him . She loves him too much to be away from him. Closing her eyes she prayed her parents to  forgive her because she is unable to fulfill this dream of them .

" Samarji if it really what our parents have done I don't appreciate that and it is not my problem . This have been done without my consent  so I don't understand why it's explain your earliest behaviour with me"

The Gupta's and Oberoi were stunned with Khushi's reply . They had thought Khushi will happily took the responsibility of made her parents dream to come true . Garima was the first one to be out of shock

" Khushi do you understand what you speak . How can you not understand that it's your parents last wish to make you marry Samar ? Don't you respect and love them anymore ? " Asked Garima with a crying face

" Khushi I know it's a shock for you I can understand that   but Khushi how can you give you decision so abruptly . We can date each other before marriage right to give you time  to be fine with this okay " Samar said and the elders Oberoi and Gupta nodded in approval .

" I repeat myself Samar I am not interested in this so called engagement or this kind  of relationship with you . For me you are a friend and nothing more . I have never see you more than that . To respond to Msr Garima Gupta I still love and respect my  parents very much but that doesn't mean I will destroy my and Samar's life by marrying him when I don't have such a feeling for him ."

" Hey Nandkishore see what rubbish this girl is talking about . Who told you that before marrying someone you have to  love him first ? All the children who really respect their parents will always marry the person they have chose for them . If you don't care anymore for you biogical parents any more at least don't be a burden to my brother anymore ."

" Madumathiji please don't talk to your niece like this . Khushi you know Samar very well since childhood if the two of  you  spend more time with each other I am sure you will also love my son like he love you  . " Rami said shocking Khushi how on earth Samar  can love her when all those years they were like siblings .

" Samar you love me ? "

" Yes Khushi I always love since childhood you were young to remember our engagement but I was always aware of that so you the only girl and woman I have love and desire all those years Khushi "

Hearing his confessions brought tears in Khushi's eyes . She was sorry for Samar , she have to break his heart she can let him think that she can reciprocate his feelings any time because it is impossible .

" I'm sorry Samar but I can't love you "

" Why Khushi ? Don't I have anything a woman wants ? "
" You have  it just that  I can't love  when I already love someone else "

"WHAT "  every body present shout in the same time . The more furious was Samar who have an idea of who that person must be . Crapping Khushi forhand furiously  he asked

" It's that person ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA Khushi  ? Answer me damnit
" Yes I am in love with him " reply a equal furious Khushi how dare he misbehaving with her .
" Khushi hear me clearly YOU ARE MINE AND ONLY MINE.  He can't take you away from me like  he did with my biogical family ." With that he stormed out of the house with his parents living a  confuse soul behind

" Khushi let me tell you one thing you will marry only Samar betiwa with or without your consent mark my words " Garima said before living with buaji and Payal .

Flashback end .

Listening to all this arnav was furious how can that man eyeing his wife  he have to take care of this Samar Oberio very quickly . Before that he have to concentrate on his baby .

"Ssh baby don't cry . It's alright  I am here  nobody can take you away from me.  Not the Gupta nor that Samar   please stop crying ."

" Arnavji I am not crying for me but for  you if you had see the madness in his eyes when he spoke about you .  I am scare of you security what  if he harm you again . "

" Baby please don't worry about me I have arranged top security for all my family he can't harm any of us "

He calm her and make her rest her head on his chest while caressing her hear softly   . After sometime  Khushi ask

" Arnavji do you know if Akashji had  a birthmark on his left shoulder ? "

" Yes Khushi he have a birthmark here but how do you know ?"

" I just supposed because anjaliji have the same mark in the same place .  Arnavji don't misunderstand me but I want to tell you what I think see Akashji and Anjaliji have the same birthmark in the same  place also   the different behaviour of the Mallik towards you and the love of mumma for you and the last thing Samar said he would not let you took me away from him like you  did with his biogical family and the fact  he also have the same birthmark in the same place like Akashji and Anjaliji I think Ratna and Arvind Mallik aren't you real parents

Living Room RM

When Ratna had told hp to go and open the door she had not thought  of the shock she  will  get her and her mother

" Arun you ar ...are really  here " an horrified Devyani asked

" Devyani it's how your mother in law has taught you to welcome your husband my beloved wife oups sorry my beloved second wife" Arun said with a smile on his face

To be continued

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