chapter 11

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Devyanie Singh Raizada was shocked to the core . She had never expected her past to come back again in her life after all those years . She was watching with fear as Arun and Annaya. were making themselves comfortable in the living as if this house was their property. Ratna also was scared to see her father now , she knows for sure that it means nothing good for them because he surely know her secret which can put the future ofher child and great child in danger . Composing herself she thought to act sweetly before her father and this "shit of woman "

" Papa is that truly you? " Asked Ratna with a completely crying crocodile face with moving towards Arun

" Oh please Ratna stop you drama Will you ? And ask your brother to come here will all you others family members to join us we need to talk . "

" Who do you think you are to order MY daughter in MY house " Asked an angered Devyanie

" Don't worry my dear wife you will know very soon who am ." Said Arun with a soft voice before shouting :


Hearing his shout all the people present in the house came running exept arnav and Khushi .

" Dad " came the scared voice of Manohar shocking the family .

"One minute " stopped Arun before he made a call . All could hear what he says to the person in the other end of the call " Hello Hitler " ..." Here every body are fine at home . How is my daughter doing ? " ... " Oh come downstairs I'm here " saying that he disconnected the phone.

" Manohar can you please say to your mother and family members to make themselves comfortable they will need it after I finish what my wife and I came for "

Everyone was shocked witnessing the gut of this old to command them in their own house .

" How can you come after such a long time in this family and commanding us around like a boss and think we will abide by your words . "

Before anyone can speak again they get another shock seeing Arnav and Khushi come and hug Arun and Annaya happyly

" Dadu , Dadi why you didn't inform us of your visit here ? I could have made good arrangements for your stay here " Arnav said

" Arnavji is right Dadi . We could have made this special ." Said Khushi

" Sorry my children we were planning to come here this soon but it is problem we have to solve that made us come here . But before that you have to seat and listen carefully what would be said here " Annaya said making arshi confused about the issue she just said.

" Before starting anything I would want to ask devyanie Singh what type of relationship she shares with me " asked Arun

" What nonsense it's this father she is your wife " answered Ratna in disbelief shocking arshi because the know he is married to Dadi

" Devyanie did the cat got your tongue " Arun said looking at a pale Nani . " And for your information my dear Ratna she was and she is not my wife . Let me tell what this Saint woman had done . She had put a drug in my food one year after my marriage with my wife Annaya to get me naked in a bed with to make me marry her with the complicit of my own mother who never like Annaya and she was barren . It's true that you have lived with me and family in my house like my second wife but the truth is that I have never married you "

Shock was evident for everyone and the always proud Nani was looking towards the floor in shame to be exposed before her family who had looked at her like Saint.

" So what if was never a true marriage that has not stopped you to impregnate my mother two times so you too aren't a good like her" said Ratna

" You are wrong Ratna my husband had never touched your mother and she knows that too . You can get a DNA test to see that Manohar and you are not the children of Arun Singh Raizada . " Annaya said sternly she can never think allow all this selfish people to ruin her family.

" This can't be true . You are lying , we are his children . Amma they are lying right ? Were are his children naah ? " Manohar asked frantically to his mother who were crying while nodding no .

" I'm sorry Manohar but this is the truth I am so sorry " Nani cry out

" Sorry to interrupt you crying section but Manohar I came here for you . In the time when Arnav and Anjali were kicked out sheel Mahal I have given to you the paper of this house with a business to handle and after you should handle this house to him and 70% of the share of business to him . But what you did ? You make him paid his own house and take his share to give it to your son with his, your wife and mother complicity ? WHY DAMNIT ? " Shouted Arun " But let me tell you something you will pay for this that is my promise nobody hurt MY FAMILY and get away without punishment ?"

The silence was broke by the sound of Arnav phone he takes the call after seeing it was from Aman .

" Hello ASR did you see the news?"

" What news Aman ?"

" ASR please go to news channel you will see ."

" Okay " With that he directly put the television in mache and put a TV news "

"Breaking news the young businessman Samar Oberio had announced his widding with his childhood sweetheart Khushi Kumari Gupta for this month and also give a plaint to the police for mistreatment on his would be wife by the great ASR "

"What the hell"

To be continued

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