chapter 3

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It has been two months ago when all the Raizada family saw the strange behaviour of the sons of the family . Arnav had re-employed Khushi in AR design at his PA house . During weekends she will come to Raizada house to the request of Nani and Anjali. Khushi would make food specialy Arnav favourite foot ,she will go to his room in excuse of work with arnav . Also during the two months arnav and Khushi went together four time to Mumbai and stayed for two or four days here . Lavanya was still in shantivan playing the " perfect daughter in law of Raizada".
In the other hand Akash the silent guy became a little more silent and absent and smile whenever he got a message .

Devyani Raizada is not a fool to not notice the weird behaviour of her two grandsons and to know they are in love. But she can't afford arnav to do the same mistake his father had committed. She will talk to him and made he understands the reality. For Akash she will find the girl with whom he is love.

All this time , Shyam had tried to wood Khushi love by gifted her many things jewelry in gold , expensive dresses , money and many more things but Khushi had never accepted his gifts and told he to live the house because if he continues live with them the gossip will continuous and tarnish the respect of her family. Khushi and Payal has the same relationship the share before Diwali night.

One Friday night arnav return to RM and see all the family in the living room. He approach his Di an greet everyone and after few seconds said:
" Nani I'm going to Mumbai tomorrow to work for a project which will take almost two or three months"
" But arnav why you didn't told us before ? Why you have to leave this early?"
" Chotte Nani is right why you inform us the day itself ? Don't we have the right to know about all you decision to guide you? " Said Anjali
" Di it's not like that it's an emergency with need my full concentration and it's primordial for me to be there tomorrow. That's why I didn't inform you all in advance because it is a suprise trip"
" Okay chotte you can go but please take you medicine on time and sleep properly . And talk to me every day"
" Yes Di don't worry for me"

Two hours later arnav was in the car direction the opposite side of Delhi with a sleeping Khushi .

Next day , Khushi and arnav was in the car to start the trajet . After some minutes Khushi said
" Arnavji this is not a the road to airport . The driver is mistaken the road"
" Khushi relax I know it's not the road to the airport . We are not going to Mumbai ."
" What ? Arnavji it's a kidnapping ? Hey devy Maya help us"
She stop blablering when arnav burst out laughing

She hit he on his stomach to make he stop .
" Khushi you're really pagal , where are they people who kidnap you? "
" Arnavji don't laugh at me . It's you who told me that we are going to Mumbai and here you said we are going there . I thought someone was trying to kidnap us"
" Jaan I told you we are going to Mumbai to fool our family like that nobody who doubt that we stay in a same place because everyone of family with think you stay with Preeti and me in RM at Mumbai "
"Oh" with a perfect o at her face
" Khushi you know you are so cute ? And this trip is a part of our honeymoon , do you know what I want to do with you right now sweetheart?
" ARNAVJI ! I have shame the driver is just here"
"Okay, okay .we have all our time to do romance . But seriously Khushi I want to introduce you to my first family , that is why we going to OUR house"
" Arnavji family ? But I know you family right?"
" No Khushi you don't know my family totally . We are at destination let's go I will tell you everything at OUR HOUSE.

When she stood out of the car she saw a beautiful palace

When she stood out of the car she saw a beautiful palace

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