Chapter Six

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-Warning this is kind of short only 430 words o.O

It was finally time for the first peformance of Warped. As It Is is playing and I'm kind of freaking out because Patty Walters is hot as fuck. He is perfection.

I sighed as I looked at him
on my phone. I was about to meeting this beautiful creature because Bryan had scored an interview with the up and coming band. I was internally fangirling... big time!

I watched as Johnnie pulled his flannel over his Black Veil Brides shirt, also tucking his phone in the pocket.

He smiled at me lightly before exiting the bus. I was the one stuck waiting for Damon.

"Damon!" I whined to the boy who was taking forever in the bathroom.

"Hush Kyle. You'll get to meet your husband just let me look pretty." He smirked, sticking his head out of the bathroom door.

"Looking pretty for Cyr?" I smirked back at him.

His face turned crimson red and he shot his head back into the bathroom. "Not for Cyr. For the fans."

"Sure..." I whispered to myself sarcastically.

"And..." Damon said pausing, "Done!"

He walked out of the bathroom with a beanie covering the back of his hair while the temporary blue hair dye was showing.

"Cyr will be impressed." I cackled, running out the door before Damon could smack me in the back of the head.

I walked with Damon to the outside concert where evryone was already gathered. An announcer was introducing the first act, As It Is.

We found Bryan, Johnnie, and Cyr close to the front and we sat down next to them.

As soon as Patty walked onto the stage, loose tanktop, tight skinny jeans, and a snapback, I jumped out of my seat almost crying at the beautiful man in front of me.

He seemed to see me and he smirked with his eyes and mouth before introducing the band.

I felt my heart pace quicken as I took in what just happened. Patty fucking Walters looked at me. Smirked at me. FUCKING HELL!

Bryan saw what had happened and was dying laughing in his seat at my shocked expression.

Damon and Cyr didn't notice but Johnnie...

He didn't seem like Johnnie at all. He seemed sad, tired, uninspired.



Gay isn't right.

It's not natural.

I shouldn't be attracted to guys.

But I am and I'm scared shitless.

Because the guy I like is in love with another person. A better person.

He deserves him. Not me.

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