Chapter XXXIX: Percy Fights a Sore Loser

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Percy was a good swordsman. One of the best in the century, if Max was to be believed. And throughout this quest I'd had more than enough time to confirm this fact. And yet, I had never seen him fight like this.

As Ares moved forward with a downwards cut, Percy vaulted over him and slashed at his back. Ares managed to deflect it though, displaying an impressive level of speed for someone his size.

"Not bad, not bad." he admitted.

He moved in for another attack. This time Percy was forced to jump out of the water to evade it. Ares continued pressuring him, making sure that Percy couldn't make it back to the water. He knew what he was doing.

Suddenly, the sound of loud sirens distracted me from the fight. I turned away to see a group of police cars skidding to a stop nearby, the officers scrambling out to watch the fight. I imagined a mortal had called them.

When I turned back to the combatants, it was to the sight of Ares kicking Percy in the chest and sending him flying into a sand dune. My hand instinctively reached for an arrow, and it took everything in me not to actually shoot it. But I couldn't interfere. I was forced to simply watch as my friend laid there, stunned and struggling to breathe.

I was vaguely aware of Annabeth shouting a warning to Percy and of the cops talking among themselves, but my eyes were glued to the son of Poseidon.

"Come on, Percy. Get up." I muttered under my breath, as if he could somehow hear me.

As Ares slashed at him again, Percy swiftly rolled to the side and picked his sword back up. He attempted to strike Ares again, but the god parried the attack with ease.

"Admit it, kid. You got no hope. I'm just toying with you." Ares taunted.

Percy stayed quiet, stepping backwards into the water. I could tell that he was getting tired, while Ares hadn't even broken a sweat. He had to finish this quick. Though I had no idea how. It's not like he could kill Ares.

I noticed more police cars arriving. The officers were forming a barrier, doing their best to keep people away. It was getting more chaotic by the second. And on top of that, I still had the feeling that something was watching us. I discovered what it was when Annabeth tapped me on the shoulder and motioned upwards. Looking up I saw three black winged shapes circling above us like vultures. The Furies. They didn't seem like they were  going to attack, but that didn't ease my worry.

My attention was drawn back to the fight when Ares lunged forward, cutting Percy's forearm. I felt my hands clench involuntarily. I knew the cut would be healed in seconds, but even water wouldn't be able to heal him if Ares chopped off his head.

"Drop the guns! Set them on the ground! Now!" a police officer ordered through a megaphone.

Annabeth and I shared a look of confusion. Guns? Is that what the mortals were seeing? I mean, I knew the Mist ensured mortals never actually saw what was truly happening, but how in Hades was it turning swords into guns?

Ares glanced at the barrier, noticing the police officers with their pistols aimed at all of us. He didn't seem even slightly bothered by this. Perks of being an immortal god, I suppose.

"This is a private matter!" he shouted.

He made a sweeping motion with his hand, sending a wall of fire towards the police barrier. My jaw went slack in horror as I watched the flames reach the cars, causing them to explode, while Ares simply laughed. I was aware that he was a god, and as such probably didn't have much of an attachment to particular humans. But the absolute disregard for innocent lives he had displayed was downright cruel.

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