Chapter I: We Turn our Maths Teacher to Dust

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My name is Penny Ranger and first off, I did NOT want to be a half-blood. It is a very stressful life of constantly looking over your shoulder that tends to end in a horrible and painful death.

If you decided to read this because you think you might be one, stop right now! Remove this book from your library and delete Wattpad, then burn your phone. Believe anything your parents told you about your birth and try to forget about this.
Once you find out what you are, it won't be long until they do and come for you.

If you are a normal person who believes that none of this ever happened, then I salute you. I respect your ability to see this as fiction. Keep reading.

Now, I could start at any point in my life to prove my statement but I think my school trip to the Metropolitan Art Museum is a perfect example.
At the time I attended the Yancy Academy for problematic children. Was I a problematic child? Yes, you could say that.

You see, my parents died in a car crash and I was taken into foster care (or at least that's what I was told). I've been jumping between foster families for years, mostly due to a series of incidents. I had a lot of weird stuff happen to me. Like that one time I nearly had all students on the school trip take a swim with the sharks at Sea World. It was an accident, but of course I was expelled and transferred to another family.
Eventually, I was simply dropped off at an orphanage.

I had only two friends: Grover Underwood, a very nice guy who was relieved of sports because he had some sort of muscular disorder in his legs, though I'd seen him run when it was enchilada day and I didn't buy it; and Percy Jackson, one of the most kind hearted people I had ever met. He, like me, had never met his dad. He did have a mom though, Sally Jackson, the woman with a heart of gold. But because the world was such a horrible place, these two amazing people had to live with a drunken gambler called Gabe Ugliano, who Percy nicknamed 'Smelly Gabe'.

Currently Percy and I were staying at Yancy for the school year and would return home when it was over.
Now, it turns out that Percy and I had a lot in common. Namely our predisposition to get in trouble.

But this time we were hoping it would be different. Mainly because this trip had been organized by Mr. Brunner, our Latin teacher. He was a middle aged man with an unkept beard and had to move around in a wheelchair.
He was probably the most chill teacher I had ever had. He let us have fun in class and organized what he called 'tournament days' where he would put on roman armor and challenge us, sword vs chalk, to run up to the board and name all roman people we could remember, their relatives and what gods they worshipped. Hence why I thought this trip would work out.

Boy, was I wrong!

We hadn't even gotten out of the bus and Nancy Bobofit was already attacking Grover with flying food. Grover was, unfortunately, a very popular target for bullies. Percy and I took it upon ourselves to protect him.

"Okay, that's it!" Percy grumbled as he went to stand up. Grover pulled him back down.

"No. You're already in enough trouble as it is. Besides, I kinda like peanut butter."

"Fine. But next time, we're going over there." I told him.

We stayed in our seats for the rest of the bus ride and did our best to ignore Nancy Bobofit.

We walked through the exhibits with Mr. Brunner explaining several of the artworks.

We stopped in front of a particular carving that depicted a large being facing several smaller human like beings.

"Mr. Jackson. Tell me, what does this carving depict." Mr. Brunner asked.

I knew what it was. It showed the gods of Olympus facing their father, the titan Kronos.

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