Eye Candy

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josephmorgan- i've never been more thankful for anything

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josephmorgan- i've never been more thankful for anything

816,285 Likes and 267,260 Comments

[Tagged- gemma.tonkin]

iansomerholder- you guys are so in love its almost sickening


gemma.tonkin- @iansomerholder

gemma.tonkin- i love you

phoebetonkin- ive never seen anyone make her as happy as you do

mr.danielgillies- you're not thankful for me?

josephmorgan- @gemma.tonkin i love you too

paulvedere- @mr.danielgillies don't worry im thankful for you

claireholt- how does she never look bad

nina- @claireholt she's just insanely photogenic

nina- @claireholt she's just insanely photogenic

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gemma.tonkin- thankful that this eye candy is mine for the rest of my life

726,106 Likes and 293,368 Comments

[Tagged- @josephmorgan]

claireholt- yall are too cute

user3- imagine being engaged to that

paulvedere- @user3 that should be me

phoebetonkin- @paulvedere oh ok then?

mr.danielgillies- still think you should be dating him? @phoebetonkin @paulvedere

josephmorgan- somehow i knew this was exactly what you were gonna say

AN- Hey guys!! Just a tiny update for Thanksgiving! So grateful for all of you!

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