"Hello Everyone. For those of you who don't know, my name is Daniel. I'm Joe's best man. I play his older brother on screen and as sappy as it is to say, he has become a brother to me off screen. When Joe asked me to be his best man, drunkly at our first comic con, I obviously agreed. However, I didn't expect to be delivering this speech anytime soon."
Everyone laughed including Joseph as he watched Gemma's face light up.
"And I had absolutely no idea how difficult writing this speech would be. In fact, I read this speech to my 5 month old dog probably 20 times and this is what I ended with. I will never forget the first time I had met Gemma. She was flying in from Australia to visit her sister and I was allowed to pick her up from the airport. And boy did I hear about it from Joseph. A little back story for those of you who don't know, but Gemma was added into our cast group chat and immediately clicked with Joe. I mean the two of them were flirting with each other all the time. And I put an emphasis on all because they would flirt in our group chat, separately on text, through FaceTime and even on each others instagram posts. So naturally when I had met Gemma before him, Joseph had a lot of questions for me."
Daniel sighed, flipping all of his pages around to get to his next line.
"Now I'm gonna rewind a bit before Gemma, to one of me and Joe's first night shoots. We ended up talking for hours because of technical difficulties and got onto the topic of marriage, and let me tell you, Joe is the biggest sap I know.
Joseph shakes his head while looking down and Gemma touches his shoulder while she can't stop herself from laughing.
"But there is no one I have ever seen make him as happy as you do Gems. Being able to watch the love you two have for each other, as the captain of your ship, has been a highlight in my life. Now much like Gems had done with her mom, Joe had called me after their first official date together and told me about how perfect Gemma was. I've had the honor to become close friends with
Gemma and see everything Joe was talking about. Not even just with her acting but Gemma is quite literally one of the best people I have met and she is the only person I could see marrying my brother. I've also had the honor to see their relationship through their ups and downs and their love always prevails. I wish the two of you a long, happy life filled with many more sappy movements from Joe."Gemma and Joseph got up and gave Daniel hugs while Phoebe started to set up for her speech.
"Hello everyone, I would hope at least half of you know who I am. As Gemma's older sister, I am completely honored to be giving this speech today. As Daniel said before, I didn't really know where to start with this speech. I spent hours looking up how to guides and watching videos but none of them seemed to really apply to us. So bear with me as I try to explain how our relationship works and the addition of Joe. You know, you see and hear of stories where siblings don't get along and fight all the time. That is exactly how Gemma and I used to be."
Gemma laughs, stating "Its true, its true."
"When I used to be overly upset with my sister, our mom used to tell me that as I got older I would actually enjoy having a sister. I didn't believe her. However, I hate to admit that she was right. My sister easily became my biggest confidant and my built in best friend. I truly believe that mom and dad knew what they were doing when they gave me you. Our sisterhood is a space of laughter, joy, freedom but most of all unwavering love and support. You are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen."
Gemma starts to use her napkin to try and stop the tears from falling down her face as she listens to her sister. Phoebe takes a moment to recollect herself before moving on.
"I think everyone has heard bits and pieces of how Joseph and Gemma met but your welcome, y'all are here because of me. I had initially met Joseph at a screen test for our tv show and I just couldn't help but think that he would be perfect for my sister. With the help of a few friends, we finally introduced the two of them through social media and text messages. Now, I had talked about Gemma to Joe so much trying to push them together but it didn't seem like they needed much of a push. From what I hear, the two of them talked almost everyday for 4 weeks before Gemma came to Georgia. Thinking back on all the moments that we have lived through and the small details that bring us to this exact moment, it's as if the stars aligned for this moment in time. But in the end I know that somehow, someway you two would've found each other regardless of the small role that I played. You two are destined to be together. Joe you have been a completely seamless addition into our family, so much so that I don't remember a time where you weren't in it. Over your relationship, I have watched Gemma grow into the truest, happiest, most confident version of herself and that is because of all the love you give her. And as her sister I couldn't ask for more. I love you both so much, to years of many more experiences."

My Love
FanfictionIn which Phoebe Tonkin's little sister, Gemma Tonkin, gets added to The Vampire Diaries and The Originals group chat. She has an instant connection to one of the actors but still lives in Australia. Will they be a fling or have an actual relationshi...