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Party Buddy🤪🤠
Can we talk at some point?

I'm still away remember?

Party Buddy🤪🤠
When you get back home I mean

I'd have to check with my filming schedule

Party Buddy🤪🤠
Whenever you get a chance
even if its on set

Are you going to tell phoebe?

Party Buddy🤪🤠
That's what I want to talk to you about
I don't want her to know

But your gonna keep lying to her

Party Buddy🤪🤠
Not necessarily

I would classify that as lying
especially if your trying to drag me into it
she's my sister

Party Buddy🤪🤠
I just don't want to hurt her

I think your gonna hurt her anyways
She deserves to know

Party Budd🤪🤠
I'll figure it out ok?
No need to attack me

You told me you loved me when your dating my sister
Your asking me to keep it a secret from her and allow you to keep dating her
And you think this is me attacking you?

Party Buddy🤪🤠
I don't want to lose you

You never had me to lose

Gemster💎 turned Party Buddy🤪🤠 to Paul

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