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gemma.morgan- I am so so proud of my husband. I have never seen anyone put in so much work and effort, and I'm so glad you are finally get the recognition for it. I love you🥺

916,197 Likes and 524,825 Comments

[Tagged- josephmorgan]

user4- living for the fact that she can say my husband now

iansomerhalder- shlda been mine😅

gemma.morgan- very funny smolderholder

user5- they are such a cute couple omg

user2- completely agree

mr.danielgillies- i want someone to write a nice caption like this for me

claireholt- dont worry old man you'll get there sometime

mr.danielgillies- ouch

paulvedere- congratulations!

josephmorgan- i love you

josephmorgan- celebratory breakfast with this one

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josephmorgan- celebratory breakfast with this one

826,527 Likes and 414,154 Comments

[Tagged- gemma.morgan]

user3- i feel like ive seen the shirt before...

user7- hmmmm I wonder where?

user9- they are married yk🤷‍♀️

nina- congrats!

mr.danielgillies- i remember when we would get celebratory dinner

gemma.morgan- someone seems jealous @mr.danielgillies

phoebetonkin- still convinced she'll never look bad in any photo

claireholt- oh to look good in every photo taken of you

user1- toe pic reveal?

user8- literally disgusting @user1

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