In which Phoebe Tonkin's little sister, Gemma Tonkin, gets added to The Vampire Diaries and The Originals group chat. She has an instant connection to one of the actors but still lives in Australia. Will they be a fling or have an actual relationshi...
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gemma.morgan- I am so so proud of my husband. I have never seen anyone put in so much work and effort, and I'm so glad you are finally get the recognition for it. I love you🥺
916,197 Likes and 524,825 Comments
[Tagged- josephmorgan]
user4- living for the fact that she can say my husband now
iansomerhalder- shlda been mine😅
gemma.morgan- very funny smolderholder
user5- they are such a cute couple omg
user2- completely agree
mr.danielgillies- i want someone to write a nice caption like this for me
claireholt- dont worry old man you'll get there sometime
mr.danielgillies- ouch
paulvedere- congratulations!
josephmorgan- i love you
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josephmorgan- celebratory breakfast with this one
826,527 Likes and 414,154 Comments
[Tagged- gemma.morgan]
user3- i feel like ive seen the shirt before...
user7- hmmmm I wonder where?
user9- they are married yk🤷♀️
nina- congrats!
mr.danielgillies- i remember when we would get celebratory dinner