Chapter 2

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"BEEP, BEEP, BEEP" the sound of the alarm blaring had startled you awake. You groan before turning it off. You fling the covers away from your body as you feel the carpeted floor underneath your feet. You walk to your closet and start rummaging through it to find something to wear.

At last, you find the perfect outfit and change into it. You grab your phone and your backpack before heading downstairs. "Hey, sleepyhead." your mother greets you with a chuckle. You smell something in the air, the smell of heaven. "I made breakfast! I thought you kids should have something on your bellys before you go off to school."

You walk into the kitchen to see she made your favorite breakfast. "Where's Dev?" you asked her before you start munching on your food. You hum in satisfaction as the taste melts on your tastebuds. "He left already. Saying he'd eat at school and went out to the bus stop." She explained. You gave her a nod before putting your dish away.

"Bye, Mom! I'll see you later." You call from the front door as she says her goodbye aswell. The walk from your house to school was about 20 minutes, so you had to jog a little bit just to get there on time. You sigh of relief, realizing you made it on time. You go to your locker and put your stuff inside, grabbing your biology book.

The bell for class soon rings and you walk with Jake and your brother. You sit in your seat, next to Jake, as Mrs. Fairchild began explaining the lesson.

After she finished, she told the class they could work in partners if they wanted to. Assuming your brother wanted to work with Jake, you started your assignment by yourself. "hey, uh, (y/n)?" you look up to see Junior. You set your pencil down on your paper before returning your attention to Junior. "Yeah? What's up."

"Can I, uh, have it? Now? Please?" He asked you. Still confused about what he was talking about, you decided to just ask what he was talking about. "What are you talking about, Junior?" he looked almost embarrassed by that question.

"I don't mean to be rude by that. I kinda zoned out when you were talking at the party." you explained to him before continuing a little bit of your assignment. "At the party, I uh.." he stumbled upon his words.

"I asked you for your number.. You said you'd give it to me at school the next day." he explained to you. You continue to do your assignment since Jake was at your brother's table, doing the assignment together. "Just sit down." you told him, referring to the empty seat next to you.

"God, I hate biology." you mumble under your breath. Luckily, the bell had rung for the next class. You grab your backpack before looking at Junior. "I'll see you later, Junior. I don't want to have to deal with Lexy being mad at me or something. I'll walk home with you if you don't mind." You told him before walking out of class

(Time Skip: After school. Your POV)

I grab my backpack and walk out to the front of the school. I catch up with Junior and Jake. "Hey, I'm walking home with you guys." They nodded and we walked home.

Junior's house is hella big. While Jake disables the alarm, Junior and I walk up to his room. I sit on his bed and sit with my legs crossed. "(y/n), Jake has been obsessed with this creepy ass doll. It creeps me the fuck out," he tells me out of nowhere, while coming to sit down next to me. He seemed almost annoyed or uncomfortable when explaining it.

"he takes it everywhere, but anway, Lexy is having a party in a few days." he gulped as he paused his sentence. "Were you thinking about going?" he asked me. He seemed so invested in me lately. It's weird...

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