Chapter 4

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I know they don't break up until episode 6 or 7 but like.. imma do it a bit early.

(No one's POV)

IT'S BEEN ABOUT 3 WEEKS SINCE THE FIRE. 15 days after Devon had been discharged. Junior has been visiting you more frequently after he had been discharged. Today, he came with gifts.

When he opened the door, you were blessed with all your favorite snacks and get well soon balloons. You chuckle as you look at him. "Junior, what's all this? Is that my favorite animal as a stuffed animal?" You asked, excitedly. You reach your hands out, wanting grab the stuffed animal.

He sits on the egde of your bed and looks at you. "How've you been?" he asks.

"I've been better. The doctor said I'm slowly getting better which is good." you replied back. "What's all this for?" you chuckled as you take out all your snacks.

"I thought my favorite person would like their favorite stuff" he chuckles and gives you a hug. "I'm glad you've been visiting me. It's been kinda lonely here ever since Devon got released." you explained to Junior.

You scoot over a little bit so Junior can sit down next to you. "I broke up with Lexy." he blurted when the room was silent. You looked at him, completely shocked he had just admitted that to you. "Why?..." you slowly ask him as you yawned and leaned your head on his shoulder.

"I remembered what you said at the party, before the fire," he wrapped his arm around you. "saying how it's obvious it's hurting me, seeing her with Oliver." he continued. You hum remembering you had told him that.

"Plus, I had found someone I really liked afterwards." he laughed. Who could he be talking about? Maybe some other girl in his other classes. You scoff before laughing, "And who is that?" you slowly grab his hand as he answers.

You look at him and he looks at you, the eye contact made you get butterflies in your stomach. "I don't think you know them." he replies to you as he looks around the room.

"What's their name then? I promise I won't tell them you like 'em" you say as you get really excited to know.

"Their name is (y/n) Evans. Do you know them?" He says at last. He looks back at you. You guys make eye contact again. You watch as his eyes go from yours to your lips then back at your eyes. You see him slowly leaning in.

You start leaning in aswell. Your hand going to the back of his neck. And soon enough, your lips meet. The feeling of his lips on yours gave you major butterflies in your stomach. Your lips matching together like the last 2 pieces of a puzzle.

You soon pull away for air and look at each other and you look at each other. "Will you be my partner, (y/n)?" he questioned as you lay your head on his chest. You nod and yawn. He tried to talk but you cut him off. "Shhh. Let me sleep, baby~." you whine, not realizing what you had said since you were half-asleep. You snuggle up to him and wrap your arms around his torso. (Like the picture above, kinda)

(Time Skip)

You had woken up to maniacal laughter. Junior was still there past visiting hours because your doctor knows how much you guys don't want him to leave. You look around and see no one. You rub your eyes, since you had been squinting, to get a better view. Still, no one's there.

You sigh and roll your eyes before going back to sleep, putting your head onto his shoulder. You hear the laughing again. You decide to not let it bother you, but you were getting a little scared so you hugged Junior a little tighter.

Junior groans and hugs you a little tighter as well. You heard the door creak before hearing the laughter again. This time you woke up.

It was just a nightmare.

The doctor came in to check on you. Asking the normal questions like, "Are you breathing better?" "How are you feeling" and "Did you sleep okay?". All the answers to those questions, he had wrote down on his clipboard. "Anything you want to ask me?" he asked you.

"When can I leave" you say harshly. You've been cooped up in here for 1 month and a half now since Devon has been discharged. You wanted nothing but to leave. "Your discharge is in a week or so from today, (y/n). I understand you want to leave but we have to make sure it's safe before you do." the doctor explained to you.

You grumble something under your breath before groaning. "I'm perfectly fine. I'm breathing fine. I'm not coughing anymore. I'm good. I just want to leave." you whined.

"Where's Junior? He was here a while ago." you had asked the doctor.

"It was past visiting hours so he had to leave. He can come back today." You nod and grab your phone to call Junior. You scroll through your contacts until you find "My love 💗💗" and open the contact. You press the call button and after a few rings, Junior picks up.

"Hey, bub. What's up?" he sounded so excited that you had called him. "I need you~. I want to cuddle you~" you whine to him as he scoffs playfully amd laughs at you.

"Alright, (n/n). I'll be there soon. I love you~" he dragged out as he hung up, you had told him 'I love you' back. You put your phone down and wait for your loving boyfriend to get to your room. You were eating some of the snacks he got gotten you yesterday when you heard a knock of the door.

"Come in!" you yell from your bed. You get excited once you see who opened the door. "Baby!" you shouted as you urged him to come over to you. He did just as you wanted before asking, "When can you leave?"

You sigh before responding. "The doctor said a week or so." you frown.

(After a week cuz I have no idea how to write getting out of a hospital)

It was your first day home and your mom and brother were outside waiting for you. You finally felt free from the hospital. Your mom had to take you to a assembly about all the murders. The mayor would be speaking. "Mom, it's my first day out of the hospital. Do I have to go to this assembly?" You groan as you asked.

You see her just simply nod and you sigh. You soon pull up to where the assembly is and you sit down with Junior, not bothering to sit with the group of people you had left you out and forgotten you. "I'll be back, I want to see what they're talking about" you peck his lips before walking over to the group.

"No, Jake. We can't just tell them about Chucky. They won't believe us." you heard Lexy say as you walked up to them. Confused, you decided to butt in. "Believe you about what?" You question them.

"There's a killer doll named Chucky running around Hackensack and he's responsible for the murders that happened recently, including Oliver." Lexy explained quickly after Jake gave her the look to do so. You gave them a 'what the fuck?' face before you feel arms around your waist.

"A killer doll? Really, Lexy?" Junior said, not believing shit for his ex. You look and see Jake and Devon holding hands. You roll your eyes before grabbing Junior's hand amd returning to your seats. "I have no idea what that bullshit was about." you tell Junior before shutting up quick because your mom was speaking.

She soon let the principal of your school go ahead and speak but, before you heard anything,

The principal's head was rolling around the stage.

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