Chapter 5

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"What the hell is happening?" you ask carefully as a red-headed doll walks out from behind the curtains. He laughs, maniacally. You step back and Junior seemed to notice. "T-that's the laughing I heard at the hospital. T-the nights you w-weren't there." you slowly grab Junior's hand and squeezed it for comfort.

He rubbed his thumb over you hand as he takes you away from the scene you were currently witnessing. "I want to go home.." you mutter, as you started shaking.

"I-I think that's the doll they're talking about.." you swing your head around to look at Junior. You start backing away from the building slowly. At this point, you don't want to believe what you just saw.

Your principal's head? Rolling onto the stage? If you told anyone who wasn't there what you just saw, they'd think you're crazy. Possibly starting rumors in the process.

Junior hugs you. "Hey. It's going to be okay. Look at me." you hesitantly do as he says. He pecks your lips before continuing, "I'm here, I won't let anything happen to you."

You nod slowly and look at him. "Can we go home?.. I don't want to stay here any longer." you sigh out.

"Of course, darling." He says as he takes your hand and you walk home, hoping it wasn't that far. After a long while of walking, you finally made it home. "Can you carry me upstairs, please? My legs hurt." you whine to your boyfriend as he gets ready to carry you. "Yup. C'mon, get on my back." he says.

You hop on his back as he carries you up the stairs and to your room. You get off his back and sit down on your bed. "That was a further walk than I thought. My bad, cutie." you say to Junior as you push him over so he's laying on his back. You lay on his chest since you had been really tired after that 30-40 minute walk.

"It's fine." you says before your phone starts to ring. You groan before grabbing it. "Hello?" you lay your head back down on Junior's chest whilst putting the phone up to your ear. "Where are you?" your mother asked.

"At home. I walked back." you told her, your eyes slowly closing. "Oh. Alright. Be there soon." she says as she hangs up. You relax your eyes and fall asleep on Junior.

(BIG Time Skip cuz idfk what to write after that.)
(Your POV)

Junior had texted me earlier saying that he couldn't hang out today. I mean- he recently found out his mom had cancer so I can see why he wants some space, y'know? He went with his mom to therapy but he said he's going to stay in the car.

While I'm over here with Jake, Lexy and Devon trying to kill this "killer doll" or something like that.

"How the hell did you rope me into this?" I groan as I walk around the house with Devon. We go upstairs and the doll is running at us, but Devon tased it quickly, sending "Chucky" flying across the room.

Soon our mom gets there and chases the doll around before Chucky pushes her down the stairs. "Mom?.." I question as Devon and I slowly go down the stairs. "Are you okay, Mom?" tears slowly start spilling from my eyes.

"Please tell me you're okay.. Please?" I get to the bottom of the stairs, shaking my mother's body. I check her pulse. Nothing. Her neck is snapped. "Mom! No! Please!" you cry out, shaking her slightly.

I sit and bury my face in my hands, Devon being right next to me.

This, This is a day I'll never forget.. The day my brother and I became orphans.

(Time Skip or whatever)

I'm lying on my bed, my phone in my hand hovering over Junior's contact. It's been a few hours since I witnessed my mom's death. I press the call button and let the phone ring. "Hello?" Junior says.

"Hey, um, I know this is sudden and all but, can you come over? Please?" I ask, trying to hold back any possible tears that were threatening to spill from my eyes.

"Yeah, sure, of course. What's going on? You okay?" he asks you as you hear him packing something. You mumble a small yeah before saying thank you. You hung up soon after and waited for him.

You hear a knock at the door 20 minutes later. You wiped your tears, knowing they'll come back later. You rushed to open the door to see Junior

(Junior's POV)

I wait at (y/n)'s front door, rocking back and forth on my heels. I hear the door open and look at the door. (n/n)'s in their favorite hoodie of mine, making eye contact. I hold their chin and lift their head up. "Have you been crying?" I ask them, knowing the answer.

They simply just hug me as I hear them crying as my shirt starts to become a little wet. "Hey, hey.. It's okay. I'm here for you, remember?" I tell them.

They guide me to their room and I make sure I give them my undivided attention. "What's going on, love?"

They look around the room, wiping their tears occasionally. They slowly look at me. "M-my mom died. And I know Mrs. Wheeler died too so I knew that we could help each other cope, y'know?" their voice breaks in between some words

I nod before hugging them tightly. "We'll go through it together. I know you're hurting, and so am I, but, I'll do my absolute best to keep my head up for you."

"Trying my best to make you smile, trying my best to make you laugh, trying my best to make you feel happy again." I list to them.

"You know I hate seeing you sad." He says as he combs through your hair (remember the reader is a POC since their Devon's twin. Idk if I mentioned that but yeah)

I lie down on my back as (n/n) lays on my chest, putting their arms around my neck. I rub their back as they slowly fall asleep.

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