Chapter 16- Truth Hurts

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After coming home from a long, long hospital visit, Harry walked in more angry then he had earlier in the day; and this time, Sam could be angry at the same thing with him. Harry thew his keys at the couch while holding his phone in his right hand up to his ear. He stormed into the kitchen while Sam closed the door behind her.

Niall walked out of his room scrunching his eyebrows and looking at Sam while secretly pointing to Harry.

"Hospital trip." Sam hung her coat and plopped on the couch.

Niall walked out of his room and slid his hand in his pockets. He sat next to Sam and leaned back taking a big breath.

"What?" Sam asked.

Niall shrugged. "Nothing."

She sat back with him. "Tell me."

He shrugged again. Looking at the crotch of his pants he began. "Was this a good idea?"

Sam tilted her head in confusion.

"Like, telling Harry instead of him finding it out himself?"

Worst cover ever, Niall.

"Um, yeah. Why not, I mean, if we waited then he would be acting all frantic and what not longer, right?

Niall nodded and bit the inside of his dry mouth.

"I need a drink." He got up from the couch and walked through the the kitchen taking a deep breath and rolling his eyes. He got to the fridge before turning around listening to Harry on the phone in his bedroom, softly yelling. Niall slowly closed the fridge and walked to the door and barely placed his ear to it.

"Why the fuck would you lie though, Lexi? It scared the shit out of me"

Niall placed his ear harder.

"So that was your plan? To act pregnant so it would be easier? Why don't you just want me to tell her?"

Tell who fucking what?

"Well you had me going too, thanks."

Niall waited for more but suddenly the door swung open showing Harry's surprised face looking at Niall's. Niall couldn't cover this with a story so he went and said it.

"Tell. Who. What?" Niall asked. His eyes narrow and angry. "What did you do?" He asked slowly.

Harry grinded his teeth together looking into Niall's eyes.

"If I tell you. What will you do?" Harry asked.

"It depends on what you did."


"Tell her now!" Niall screamed over Harry's voice. He pointed his finger to Harry's chest.

"I don't want to because I don't want to lose her!" Harry winced.

Niall's eyes rolled back. "You obviously don't care about her when you lied to her. And what was this about telling her something?! That was never in your story."

Harry's face went pail. Niall stepped back. "You want to be with Lexi. Don't you. Not Sam." His voice trailed. That's what you didn't want to tell her. Right when you saw Lexi again, you wanted her. You needed her. But you still love Sam."

Harry's eyes filled with tears. "I don't know what to do." His back hit the wall as he slid down it. His head went to his knees.

Niall sat with him on the floor. "People say go for the second person you fall for. Because if you really loved the first, you wouldn't have fallen for the second." Niall kicked his lips.

"I feel so stupid. And discussed." Harry lifted his head showing his read eyes.

"So you weren't drunk?" Niall asked.

Harry shook his head. Niall nodded.

He slapped his knees and stood up. "Com'on man. Lets talk with her.


Sam wiped her eyes and ran back to the couch from the bedroom door. Her head raced and her heart was pounding. She didn't want to look at Harry. But she had to again. She shook her head furiously and ran to the front door, grabbing her coat getting into the car, and drove to her moms for the countless time.

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