Chapter 15- Please Come

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"Are you positive?" Niall asked in a high voice while turning left at the stop sign. "Did you really hear her say that it was a girl to Harry?"

"Yeah." I really don't know what she's up to but it's nothing good." Sam zipped her coat up close to her neck.

Niall wasn't enjoing this at all. If Sam proved that Lexi was lying the whole time, there was no way for him to ever be with Sam again. "Where did you tell Harry we were going?"

Sam shrugged. "I just said you wanted me to show you that milkshake place down town."

Niall opened his eyes wide. "Ooooo can we go?"

"No!" Sam shouted. Niall's mouth sagged. "I really need to know this."

Niall turned right and into to hospital parking lot. They walked up to the sliding, automatic doors and walked to the lady at the desk.

"Stay calm," Niall whispered between his lips. Sam gave a small nudge.

"Hello," Sam said in a cheery voice.

"Hi, how can I help you?" The lady at the counter looked around thirty with red-ish brown hair and long fingernails which gave Niall the chills.

"Is there any possible way I'm able to find out if someone had come here for any reason?" Sam asked.

"Could you be more specific?"

Sam breathed in deeply. "Like, a record of who has come in check ups for any reason?" She went on nervously.

"Who are you looking for?" The woman asked while reaching down for a clipboard.

"Um-" Sam turned to Niall. "Is it Vernan?"

Niall nodded.

"Um, Alexis Vernen."

The woman skimmed calmly through the stacks of paper carefully. "And, when did you say she could have come in?"

Sam bit her lip. "About a week ago maybe.."

The woman took down a paper and studied it. She squinted her eyes and looked up.

"I see no one by the name of Vernen in the last week or two." She shrugged.

Niall's head turned to the floor while Sam's smile grew. "Alright, thank you."

Sam and Niall walked out of the hospital. Niall's hand met his soft hair as he pushed it back while Sam's smile was so wide it started to hurt her face.

"Niall this is so great! But I don't know how to prove this to Harry." Her lips sunk down.

Niall thought. He didn't want to help but he felt that if he didn't, she would think something was up.

"Just being him here," he said with squinty eyes.


"Come on Harry, please?!" Sam followed Harry into the computer room where Harry had taken the ring box from. Harry scanned through papers on his desk as his busy face turned brighter red.

"No Sam. We had this all figured out already, alright?" I'm a little busy, okay?" His voice went deep and raspy as his annoyed expression went cold.

"But don't you believe me? She's lying. She's brainwashing you.."

Harry slammed his hand on the desk. Sam blinked from the friction the desk set off.

"How are you even saying this? Do you think I'm happy about this? No, I'm not, but this is my child too alright. I can't just not believe this. Why would she say she's having a child when she's not?"

This time it was Sam'a turn to get annoyed.

"You were the one who said she lies a lot what makes you think she's telling the truth now?!" Sam stepped back as Harry pasted her moving to the living room with the pile of papers.

He sat down on the couch and ran his hands through his hair. "I don't know," he said softly.

Sam felt bad for him knowing he knew nothing of this. She sat next to him and rubbed his back.

"Please. Come on Harry. Let me show you." Sam rested her head on his shoulder.

Harry's breath was hot breathing out hard.



GAAAH!! I'm so freakin' sorry I haven't posted in FOREVERRR!! I was struggling to keep this piece going cause I had no idea how to close it but I'm working on it! I've been so dang busy but I think I've got it under control :P


~Michelle xoxo

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