Have you seen this cookie?

501 14 9

The sunlight shined down through the house's windows, the fire in the fireplace was reduced to ash and ember, the young shepherd laid slouched against her door still exhausted from yesterday's unforgiving blizzard. She slowly opened her eyes realizing it was finally morning.

"Ugh...I really shouldn't do anything like that again"

She said as she rubbed her eyes and yawned. She rose from the floor using her staff as leverage. She opened her door and some snow fell into her house, with enough effort she was able to open the door wide enough for her to squeeze out. When she was outside she saw some children peeking their heads out of their windows, men shoveling the snow, and some other villagers lifting up anything that was toppled over by the storm. Cotton cookie lifted her skirt and tried to walk through the thick snow until a kind lady in the village approached her.

"Good morning Cotton cookie! My, my, dear you look exhausted"

"O-oh uuh, I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed today!"


Cotton cookie nodded her head really fast trying not to look tired.

"Very well then,"

The lady paused for a while and looked around at the men clearing the snow.

"the men are already shoveling up the snow, at this rate they'll be done in no time!"

The lady said enthusiastically.

"Yeah, that's great!"

Cotton cookie responded, when in reality she wasn't paying attention to half of what the lady said. The lady giggled and walked off. Cotton cookie continued to stroll around the village and observed her fellow villagers, the women were chatting about the blizzard, some cookies were wheeling away wagons full of snow, some kids were having snowball fights and Cotton cookie even saw several cookies fixing a horse
pen that was destroyed during the blizzard. Seeing her Village come together this way put a smile on her face.

Finally after a while something caught Cotton cookie's attention, she saw two new cookies at the village's entrance. The first stranger had a mostly white attire  and matching hat, in one hand he held a mace and on his back appeared to be a shield, his eyes and hair were also white and he wore a kind smile on his face. The second stranger was a bit taller than the first, he had purple hair that was around chest length and dark purple skin, he wore an off white cloak with fluffy accents because it seemed that he wasn't wearing a shirt underneath, on his face was some prominent face paint going through his eyes and a seething expression. The two approached a middle aged male villager, this caught Cotton cookie's attention and she eavesdropped from afar by hiding behind a wall, she could partially make out what they were saying.

"Excuse me kind sir, have you seen a certain cookie pass by here? About this tall, black hair, dark attire, wearing armor?"

Cotton cookie was shocked, were these two looking for the same cookie she saw in the blizzard last night?

"Oh I'm sorry young man, I haven't seen any cookie that fits that description here..."

The villager said while scratching the back of his head.

"That's alright sir! Me and my partner will just ask some other villagers then, right Purple yam cookie?

The stranger turned to his partner who seemed to be getting riled up.


Then suddenly his partner kicked the snow off the ground and pulled out a mace from his cloak and proceeded to whack the snow repeatedly. The villager jumped back in fear but the stranger seemed unfazed by the sudden fit of anger, instead he smiled and stretched his arm out signaling to the villager to take a few steps back.

A dark encounter in the snow (Cookie run fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now