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(Milk cookie and Purple yam cookie)

Before the duo ventured to the mountains they made sure to stop at a store in the village to get better winter clothes for Purple yam cookie (he was obviously very grateful but he wasn't going to show it).The two hiked onwards as a cold breeze blew. The two were silent for most of the hike until Purple yam cookie finally spoke up.

"How can you be so trusting?!"


"That little girl could've lied to us for all we know!! What if she's leading us to a dead end?!"

Milk cookie did not respond,

"How can we tell what she really saw was Dark choco cookie?! And not just some wild animal?!"

"Well there's only one way to find out, and that's by going up to the mountains ourselves!"

Milk cookie said optimistically.

"I swear your trust in strangers will be the death of you"

Purple yam cookie whispered under his breath.

Nightfall eventually arrived and the two quickly set up camp for the night, it looked like they'd have to venture to the mountains first thing in the morning.

(Dark choco cookie)

The young prince trudged farther and farther into the snow, his boots sank into the layers of snow and the breeze blew against his hair and cloak. Despite the tough conditions he seemed unfazed, it was like he knew the snowy terrain like the back of his hand.

He was completely alone, the sound of his boots walking in the snow and the cold winds were his only companions, his mind was completely blank, only thinking of his destination until memories from a few days ago flashed into his mind.

In his memories he was sitting down with his fellow cookies of darkness, licorice cookie seemed very uninterested resting his head on his hand and fidgeting with his scythe every now and then, Poison mushroom cookie merely stared off into the distance occasionally making glances towards everyone else. Finally Pomegranate cookie entered the room, she stared coldly towards Dark choco cookie and spoke.

"Dark choco cookie, you have been failing your past few missions....it makes me wonder if you really are devoted to our cause"

Dark choco cookie looked down,

"You must redeem yourself of these failures, we cannot allow any more errors in our master's grand plan"

Pomegranate cookie approached Dark choco cookie.  

"Venture into the snowy mountains, do not let anything or anyone halt your progress, if a blizzard takes place walk straight throught it, you must arrive on those mountains no later than 3 days or our plan will unravel at the seams, Do. You. Understand?"

Pomegranate was now mere inches away from Dark choco's face, with a look of anger he responded.

"I. Understand."

"Good...Now be off!"

Pomegranate cookie waved her mirror and bells like she was shooing an animal.

"You cannot afford to waste anymore time here...."

Dark choco cookie stood up and walked off.

"I will not fail this time"

"Careful with your words young prince...."

Pomegranate cookie responded before he was completely gone.

Dark choco cookie stop his recollecting and shook his head. He placed his hand on his face, he sucked the cold air through his teeth and whispered.

"I will not fail this time...."

The lone prince trudged on forward.

A dark encounter in the snow (Cookie run fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now