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Ned's pov:
I can't believe this. Once again, I've found myself loosing too Edgar. This is horrible. I slowly walk back too my dorm, crying. It's so far away and all I can do is think about Ed and Edgar being together. I try to walk faster but end up going slower and slower, then I just stop moving and everything goes black.

Suddenly, I wake up, there's a group of guys around me. "Hey.. your Antonio right?"
"hell yeah my broski, me and the boys saw you out in the street passed out so we took you back here, anyway meet my bros we got Kaidou, Luca, Simon cowell and monokuma "
As I wake up I realize... these are the coolest kids in school! even more than Ed and Edgar!!!! I can't believe I'm in their dorm
"h-hello... wait Luca what are you doing here I don't remember you being in their group"
"these madem do be the ones who taught me my roadman ways my g, they fixed me and you lookin kinda manky right now but mums we can make you into a peng ting"
are they saying what I think they are...
monokuma steps in "OHMYGOD Luca your sooooo silly omg uwu hehehehehe I'm so cute and smol compared to you hehehehehehehe omg noo don't make fun of me STOP UWU"
I hear a cough come from Simon "what those two were supposed to say was that we can fix you and turn you into a #goldbuzzercandidate smile for the camera" he takes a selfie with me "plus it'll be a great story for insta"
This is my chance, I can become one of the cool kids
"so whaddya say babes" kaidou asks
I say yes instantly.

2 weeks later

it's been a hard two weeks, every day I was taught how to be cool, what to wear, what to say, everything. Ive been staying in this dorm for now just praying for the day they'll say I'm ready and I can be released to the outside world, just as I was thinking this I hear something
I walk over to the group
"listen my broski we've been thinking and..."
is this it?
"your ready."
I can't believe this, the day has finally come. I run back to my dorm for the first time in a while to get ready for my first day back at school.

It used to take me hours to just pick an outfit that wouldn't get me made fun of but not today, I have a new confidence, I can do anything. I strut into school and feel people stare at me, I hear whispers about how much I've changed, but I'm too cool to care about what they think anyway. As I open my locker I see all the old pictures of Edgar and aggressively rip them down. It feels great. I stomp on them and kick them I must destroy them, but I got interrupted when I heard someone say "uhhh bestie whadarya doing you been corrupted by dark reunion or sumthin?"
"Oh hey kaidou don't mind me just taking out the trash"
Everyone is so impressed by me now, I'm just such a cool kid. I've moved on. I don't even need Edgar anymore.
or so I thought, untill I heard the gentle voice, the clip clop of his shoes, his hat bouncing.
"heey ned it's been so long"
it was him.
"oh. hey."I say. I can't go back to him, I moved on... right? yeah I did.. I did.
"sooo looks like your friends with Antonio now.. that's cool."
i can't tell what direction this is going in
"you know.... if you could get me some time with antoni-wony alone I could forget ALL about Ed... what do you think"
I could have Edgar back? did I hear that right?? and all I need to do is give him some alone time with Antonio? easy.
"fine" I say

After a long day of being a super cool kid I plan a way to get Edgar and Antonio alone. It will be very difficult to pull off and could end in a huge disaster but I think it could work. Antonio once told me that he uses Tuesdays after school to meditate alone in his dorm so im going to take Edgar to his dorm. I hope it works.
"you ready?" I ask
"I'm ready." Edgar replies
I grab his hand and slam Antonio's door down, as I'm about to push Edgar in I see something shocking.
Antonios long dark hair
Clothes everywhere but where they should be
Doctor suess books on the floor
A splash of orange
A wedding ring on the floor.
is that....

Ned Ed and Edgar dramaWhere stories live. Discover now