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Maya tapped her foot impatiently as she looked around the small coffee shop. With her on "break"
and all she had the freedom to do whatever she wanted. Cat and Milan still looked out for her but they had their own clients to tend too.

It was like everybody was working for her, so why not take a little break? That was until she thought about Jamir.

Jamir. The one who put this scar on her forehead. She no longer felt valuable. It was all fucked up. Until she figured out how to cover it up, she just stuck to bandanas and scarfs.

"You ok?" Sincere asked, snapping her out her thoughts completely.

"I'm fine." She simply stated. Taking a deep breath Maya picked up her cup of tea to take a sip. 

"It's gonna be ok, Maya. Whatever you're going through, God got you."

"Yeah." Maya rolled her eyes. God. Where was He when she was getting her ass beat? Or when she was getting gang raped in the janitors closet at school? There was no God.

"What?" Sincere looked at Maya who was still looking off. She took a deep breath and began to tell her truth. But was it worth it? And at what cause?

It didn't matter now no way.

"Before we got into this business.."

"What business?" Sincere raised his eyebrow and instantly pulled out a pad and pen.

Maya rolled her eyes. "You know.. the business."

"Before we got into the business we all used to be cool. Me, Jamir...."

"Who else?"

Maya chewed on her bottom lip. She didn't want to give anybody's name up but...

"Jamir, my boss- Baby D, my best friends Maya and Catalina and JJ."

She watched as he wrote down everything he said, not missing one letter. Fucking cops.

"Well, to make a long story short. Jamir and Baby D used to sell together but then they started recruiting us-"


"Me and Cat. We had started recruiting other girls with us to sell product but then over time.. product turned into pussy."

Sincere stopped writing to look at Maya who just started down at the table. She was slightly shaking.

"It's okay. You're safe." Sincere held his hand out for her to grab. Maya hesitated but then held it tightly.

"We got into this shit when we was 14, 8th graders. And then high school... but I couldn't handle school and this.. so I dropped out. And started making money."

"Now how does Jamir and... Demarco.. come into this?"

"Jamir didn't want to sell what we was selling because.. his mama used to do it or whatever. So he just stuck to the drug selling route. So them corners we work on, Jamir own them. Baby D gotta pay Jamir every month. It come outta our pay check."

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