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Thanksgiving Day


    "Alright," Milan stood up out of her seat and tapped the wine glass with her fork causing everyone's chitter chatter to die down around the table. "I want to make a toast.. to us." She looked amongst all of the familiar faces she had grown to know for the past decade and beyond. This was her family. This was all she ever known and she couldn't have been more grateful for her new opportunity.. her new rank.

"We have grown so much as a collective. Our rates are high, the money is flowing in. We have been doing the damn thang, yall agree?!"

"Hell muthafuckin' yeah nigga!" Baby D shouted out loudly and everybody laughed and agreed with their cups in the air.

     "Tonight, we gone drink like a muthafucka, get high like a muthafucka, and party like a muthafucka because we deserve it." She held her cup up high and before anything else could happen, 5-O came bursting through the door, guns drawn.

Many of the girls screamed as Baby D and Jesús tried to get away. A police officer approached her with a piece of paper in his hand and proceeded to arrest her and everybody else in the home, seizing all of their money and drugs they had. As her girls began to file into the separate police vehicles, her, Baby D, and Jesus were thrown into a back of a black truck. She was a leader now so she were given "leader" consequences. She knew her fate.. she just didn't know it was gonna happen right now.

Milan's body jerked as she awoken form her bad dream. Her heart was racing and she looked around. Sighing in relief that it was just a nightmare, she sat up off of the couch and rubbed her neck in pain. Nothing was worse than a crook in your neck. The sounds of the Thanksgiving party her family was throwing could still be heard from upstairs. It was going on 11 p.m. so it was still early and she knew the party would only go up from here.

Raising up from her couch, Milan was still in awe. She had her own room and office. She was running shit. She was on top just like Demetrius and Jesus. She was no longer product and that's what she was really happy about. She had been in the business since she was a teenager.

It was about time for a change.

There was a knock at her door and Milan swifty looked into the mirror that was hanging up on the wall. She didn't look too bad and whoever was on the other side was probably a nobody any way so it didn't matter.

Straightening out her outfit and hair, she opened the door. The girls big brown eyes stared into hers and so did another pair of big brown eyes.

The BK Twins. Harmony and Halle Totty.

We could never tell them apart because they were identical but often times they brought in the most revenue because they came in a pair. Who knew what type of freaky incest shit they were on but the customers loved them so Baby D let them do whatever they wanted to do. They were from Brooklyn, New York and made their way to Chicago a couple of years ago thinking they was gone run into R. Kelly and be on his phony ass record label Rockland Records. They had big dreams but you already know what happens when you fuck with R. Kelly. So now here they were, stuck with the family.

"Hey twins... what's going on?" Milan looked between the two females. It was normal for some girls to stop by and speak with her since she was once in their position and she was very close with many of them.

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