Chapter Eight

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-- I realise I'm not that great at writing the point of views of the characters other than Glenn and Tessa. Also, I'm sorry if this story is boring :( --


Unfortunately, at around mid afternoon yesterday Glenn radioed back via one of the walkie talkies that Tessa and himself were going to stay inside the department store overnight, since by the time they were packed it was too late to get out safely. Not only has that set us back for the food rationing, it has also passed on a slightly more pressing issue.

Daryl Dixon, the resident hot head of the group, was absolutely enraged when he found out that Tessa would be staying in Atlanta. He had demanded while throwing a fit in a childish way that Dale contact the pair again make them come back. Sadly, as annoying as the repercussions are of not having those supplies, it was safer for them to remain hidden in the department store.

So I have now lost the cooperation of both Dixon brothers, since I never had Merle's in the first place. I realise Daryl seems to have an issue with me, mainly because I am the unofficial leader of the group and because of my decision to send Tessa with Glenn.

Although both seemed hesitant and anxious of going, both are very quick and proved themselves rather competent at working together in high-pressure situations. I drag my hand across my jaw line, feeling the beads of sweat falling of the tip of my nose from the heat.

"Hey, Shane." Carl calls, walking up to me. He's adapted quite well to the possible apocalypse, even though his father and my best friend, Rick Grimes, died  just over a week ago. I think he's trying to stay strong for his mum. "When are Tessa and Glenn getting back?"

That has been the most common question of the day. When are Tessa and Glenn getting back? Everybody is waiting, wallowing in the hunger and crabbiness for the pair to return with so much food that they decided they would need more than one trip to get all of the food here. After hearing that, most people have were excited, but now most assume that they're both dead. They have been gone far too long, so it's naturally that people would come to that conclusion.

"Soon, buddy." I ruffle his hair good naturedly. Ever since all of this happened, meaning Rick's death, the Walkers, Lori and mine's... Relationship, it seems as if three of us have really become a family; even if it has taken these unfortunate events to make it happen. "Don't you worry 'bout them, they'll be fine. Both of 'em can handle themselves, so why don't you go back an' play with Sophia?"

Carl glances at his shoes before looking around camp. I follow his gaze to the younger Dixon brother brooding by his own fire, carving a young rabbit with a hunting knife. Merle's outside their tent doing God knows what, only that it's definitely not anything productive.

"Okay. Can we go down to the lake later on though?" I chuckle and nod, flashing him a toothy smile. Carl really is a good kid, even if he often disobeys Lori. Although learning independence is definitely something that will be useful, now that survival is everything.

Resting my palm against the holster at my hip, I say, "Sure thing, but me and Jim got to work on the perimeter, so in a bit, yeah?" Yesterday Jim, a relatively new member of the group, and I started working on a perimeter guard. There are seven posts stuck into the ground surrounding the brandished part of camp, joined by string with cans, scraps of metal and bells attached to them. It was actually Andrea's idea to set up a perimeter, considering how close that first outsider Walker was. Even for a hiker. The only bit that needs to be completed is the end between the sixth and seventh post.

The boy laughs as an agreement and runs off to find his new friend, Sophia. They've been getting along like two peas in a pod, which is nice. I guess now you can't really be picky with relationships, since I wouldn't have picked Sophia as the kind of friend Carl would go for.

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