Chapter One

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I spin the handle in my hand nervously, trying to find some way of getting across the road without attracting too much attention. Nortown fell rather quickly, except not quite as bad as it would have, had many of the inhabitants not fled to Atlanta, and so there are still some Walkers wandering around the streets.

After I fled my home, the army cleared through Nortown, which is a few kilometres south of Atlanta, and either shot the civilians or forced them to evacuate their homes. It was absolute panic, something that happened in less than twelve hours after Uncle Frank was killed.

Unfortunately for me, the army was quickly overrun by the Walkers, meaning that I was left to fend for myself and almost every single item that coudl've been used as a weapon was taken. Though on the bright side, I don't have to worry about other people.

I always avoided people like they were flesh-eating monsters, before they actually were, so this change hasn't been to bad in the loneliness department, except I miss my Dad and Uncle Frank. So now, I kind of miss people. I'm not sure if I miss the interactions, similar to the ones I had with my family, or just the security that comes with them.

Most of the stores have already been stripped clean, though some still have a few small things. I've already eaten all of the granola bars Uncle Frank made me pack, since they are cheap and high in energy. Hunkering down inside an abandoned tank isn't as bad as I though it would've been, although when Walkers move around outside it echoes.

Across the street, I can see a small shop with the words 'Nana's Bakery' printed in big letters on the front. It has only been four days since Nortown was deserted, so there's a chance that some of the bread is still fresh enough to eat. That particular store is, for some unknown reason, constantly stalked by a trio of Walkers who seem intent on patrolling that patch of town.

Nortown isn't exactly a large town, but it's large enough to stop real hordes of Walkers congregating, meaning they have enough room to roam. I look to the other stores lining the same pathway, noticing that most are relatively empty, since quite a few of their shelves have been toppled already.

I look across the road, scanning the area with my indigo eyes before seeing a small cluster of cars about fiver or so strong. They're positioned in U shape, facing away from the trio of Walkers. If I make a quick bee line to one of the other cars on the way, and then move to those ones, there's a chance I'll make it without being seen. If there are no roaming Walkers, that is. Should I be spotted, taking one out won't be much of an issue, but in a group I've got to watch my ass.

From my hiding spot underneath the only abandoned tank I think I'll ever see, I shuffle sidewards on my hands and knees. When I'm just at the edge of my cover, I look in all directions for any sign of Walkers. There is none that I can see, so I listen, only to receive the same results.

I continue to shuffle out and quickly pull myself into a squatting position. I hate leaving the safety of my tank, as it's an impenetrable fortress that protects me twenty-four seven. Except for when I leave. However I am completely out of food and in desperate need of water. My lips are dry and cracked, throat actually hurting from dehydration.

Though I'm not sure exactly how long I can last without going on a crazy retrieval mission, I know it won't be long. 

I dash horizontally along half the length of the road until I reach a rather disturbed car. The windows are all smashed, leaving glass scattered all around, so I nervously couch behind it. I'm careful not to touch the car nor, the glass for fear of attracting attention to myself.

The U of cars is less than five metres away, and much closer to the opposite side of the road than I am at the moment, which is basically on the sidewalk by the other strip of shops. I anxiously glance around to make sure I won't be ambushed by any Walkers behind me.

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