Chapter Seven

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-- Who likes the new cover? I edited it myself, since it was just a plain sketch :D the eyes were really hard to get right, but it was worth it! --

-A Week Later-

I feel somewhat lonely, watching everyone with their friends and families, while I am stuck here listening to Merle prattle on about his days in the army. I'm not sure if he's still high, although the slur in his words seems to suggest he is. Unfortunately, in his drugged-up state, he is unable to take a hint. A pretty big one.

"-en I said t' im, 'yeh ain't the boss o' me, I'm m'own man.' An' yeh know, I punch'd 'im straigh' out!" He laughs as if he has recited an ingenious joke, slapping his own knee jovially before 'playfully' shoving my shoulder. I splutter and nearly choke on the water I had been trying to drink and send him a nasty glare. "Ain't 'at funny?"

I snort in a sarcastic laugh. "Yeah, rea' funny, Merle."

Running a hand through my annoyingly curly hair, I feel sweat condensing at the roots. It's just as hot as yesterday, only the air isn't quite as stale or humid. Much to my dismay, Merle continues to talk. And talk. And talk, until I can barely stand his voice.

My eye twitches as I snatch my water bottle that's sitting beside me and stomp off. "Oh shu' up, a'ready." I grumble.

Behind me, Merle pouts and says, "Aw, c'me on, Kid! Si' back down wi' me, yeah? We'll talk 'bout s'methin' else." He nearly falls forward, flat on his face but, unfortunately, rights himself with throaty snigger. Rolling my eyes as I walk away, I stalk over to the other side of camp and look down the ridge, much like I had the previous day.

Down below, the crystalline water of the quarry lake looks so inviting. The sun's glistening as tiny little diamonds on the surface and tiny waves lap against the rocky surroundings. I remember, Uncle Frank took me to a lake much like this one, although it wasn't man-made, and taught me how to fish. We went back there a few times and I, personally, believe I actually got quite good at fishing. Not as good as Uncle Frank, since he is basically Survival Superman. Well, was anyway.

Alas, I have no fishing gear and my hand-to-hand fishing skills are about as sharp as Merle's brain. I have to admit, although being this close to so many people is nerve-wracking, the security it provides definitely trumps my anxiety. Having never really socialised outside of my family and for a long time just Dad and Uncle Frank, I still really don't like people. Daryl and Glenn, I don't mind since they both know how to get down to business, but people like Merle and Lori honestly make me want to rip my hair out.

The Walker body has already been moved and burnt, with the stench of burning flesh and hair having long faded, leaving only a charred carcase far from camp. Daryl's out hunting for squirrel, though he always claims he'll catch something bigger, like a deer. I don't think there is actually any deer this close to Atlanta.

Before every hunting trip, he always tell Merle and I the story of how he first saw his Chupacabra. It's a funny story, one that's nearly impossible to refrain from laughing at. Merle, however, doesn't seem to have lack of control, and constantly teases his little brother. I've noticed this is the cycle, for Merle to bully and control Daryl, manipulating him into being a person he's not meant to be.

I look back from the edge and back to the camp. It's pretty quiet, with most people going about their own business in silence, aside from the occasional 'hello' or 'how are you going?'. It's strange how, even after two Walker attacks (the first killed by Daryl and the other by yours truly) people still manage to go back to a life similar to the ones they once had.

Dale now keeps watch from atop his RV for any Walkers that happen to stray too close to camp, as well as to keep an eye on Shane's radio receiver. He sends me a friendly smile from beneath his fisherman’s hat, but I ignore it with a roll of my eyes. My water bottle is empty, as are all the others we had brought. Some of the others have already gone down to the lake and fetched some water, as well as to wash their clothes.

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