Chapter 14.2

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The day passed peacefully. Sabrina went to Rayland's grave and unburdened herself to the statue of him, feeling much better afterward. The sight of his wise, caring face, even in stone, was comforting. It was almost as if he were really looking down at her, watching over her. Then she went and had a light, delicious lunch with Éllina, and they talked over various events of the past ninety-two years.

Éllina retired for a nap in the late afternoon, and Sabrina wandered the beach, using the solitude to think about the possibilities of her new life and what she wanted to make of it. Her only clear conclusion was that she must make up her quarrel with Ford. Somehow, being close to Haaron and remembering his steadfast support made her realize that she wanted that in her life again. She missed it. And she knew Ford needed a friend too. It made sense for them to reach out to each other. They were family, after all, and they had been through a lot together in the short time they'd known each other.

Éllina's three children, elderly themselves, and the grandchildren, who were middle-aged, and two great-grandchildren (since Bria was still on duty in space) arrived, most of them with spouses, shortly before dinner, and Sabrina enjoyed finding herself once more in the middle of a happy family. She wondered what her cousins were doing that night.

It was dark when she flew back to Dansestari, and she found the building that housed her apartment with difficulty. She felt tired, but in a good way. Seeing Éllina again had eased some ache in her heart she had not identified. She felt more relaxed and at peace than she had since coming back to Praxatillus. Yawning, she got ready for bed, then remembered to check her comconsole since she'd been gone most of the day. There were several messages waiting for her. One was from Selémahs, inquiring tactfully after her health; one was from Kashmia, along the same lines; and two were from Justek, one about having made arrangements for her to make easy withdrawals from an account, and one saying that he and his wife would like to have her for lunch one day, if she wished. The last one was from Reese, and Sabrina's heart pounded anxiously as she accessed it.

"Lady Sabrina," Reese's image began. She looked weary and pale, Sabrina realized. "I'm so sorry to leave this on a message, but I haven't been able to find you, and I haven't been able to find the Prince either. And I know you should be among the first...." She paused, swallowing. "Grandfather died this morning. It was not very long after I spoke with you. He died in his sleep. He was smiling." Reese turned away, biting her lip. "I know...I know he wanted you to sing for him. As soon as the arrangements are made, I'll let you know." She took a deep breath. "And I know he wouldn't want you to feel badly about...about anything. He was only waiting for you to come back. He saw you again, and he was happy. It completed his life. That was how he felt about it. I know you haven't had very long to prepare yourself for this, as the rest of us have, and I'm sorry. If you need to talk, or anything, please call me. I'll call again soon."

Sabrina sat and stared at the console as the image blinked out. He was dead. How could he be dead? How could it have happened without her knowing it, realizing it? Without her being there? It seemed impossible.

She put her face in her hands and could not cry, though she wanted to, to ease the horrible ache in her throat. She heard Éllina's voice saying, "Things happen for a reason. Even death." And Reese saying, "It completed his life." But it hadn't completed hers. She hadn't had time to come to grips with any of it yet, and now...there would never be a chance to tell him anything else. Her disjointed, pained words to him were all there would ever be for a farewell.

No. She would sing for him. She would sing something that told him exactly how she felt. How much she loved him. How she would carry his memory with her, as he had carried hers, as a shield against the bleakness, the loneliness. She would go on, as he'd told her to. As Éllina had gone on, without Haaron. Sabrina could do it. She'd promised.

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