Chapter 2

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"How are you this week Kate? Have you made any progress with what we've talked about?"

I sighed, "you mean going out on an actual date with a guy?"

Dr. Tompkins nodded, "well yeah. You've been with that Levi guy right? But have you taken any steps towards a meaningful connection with someone?"

I groaned, "I can't. I like what I have with Levi. We can have sex with each other when we like and not have to worry about getting too deep."

"Sure. But doesn't that get lonely?"

I shrugged, "I guess. Sometimes. But it's easier. I don't have to worry about letting anyone in and then scaring them away."

Dr. Tompkins sighed, "well what's the point of coming here if you don't take any actual steps forward? Not everyone is going to abandon you Kate."

"They can't abandon me if I don't let them in. I'm constantly too much for everyone. I always have been, ever since I was a kid."

She nodded, "I realize you have issues from when you were younger, living as a foster kid, being shifted from one house to another. But you will never too much for someone that loves you. But you can't find anyone to love you if you don't attempt to let anyone in. So. Why don't you try going on an actual date with someone. Maybe Levi?"

I laughed, "oh he would love that. He's kind of dense. I couldn't date him."

Dr. Tompkins stood up, "doesn't have to be him."

I sighed, "yeah yeah." I stood up, "thanks doc." As I walked out into the waiting room, the same guy that was always there was sitting and waiting. I smiled at him as he stood up, holding a cup of coffee.


I saw the girl come out of the office and I stood up. She smiled at me, acknowledging me for the first time. "Hi. I um, I bought you a coffee. I'm Chris." I handed her the coffee, which she accepted with a smile.

She looked down at the cup, taken aback, "um. Thanks!" She held out her hand, "I'm Kate by the way."

I accepted her hand, "it's nice to meet you."

Dr. Tompkins opened the door, watching them for a moment, "Chris? You can come in."

I nodded, looking back at Kate and smiling before entering the office.

Dr. Tompkins closed the office door, "no Chris."

I shook my head, sitting on the couch, "no what?"

"Not her Chris."

I laughed, "why not? Nothing happened. I bought her a coffee."

She shook her head, "I'm your therapist, I know about your propensity for hooking women in and dropping them when things get too real; too serious. She isn't the type of woman who could handle that sort of thing."

I shrugged, "come on. You tell me to put myself out there, but then tell me not to?"

She laughed, "of course not. I'm just saying not her."

I rolled my eyes, "fine."


I looked at the coffee as I left the office to see Chris's name and a phone number on the sleeve. I chuckled softly as I took a drink from the cup. I found Sally waiting for me as I entered my office at the restaurant, "hey. How's it going today Sally?"

She nodded, "good." She pointed at the cup with a number, "what is that?"

I picked up the cup of coffee, "oh. That guy from the therapist's office? He was waiting for me with coffee when I left the office. Apparently his name is Chris. I didn't notice he wrote his number on there until I left."

Sally smiled, "really? I love that! He's cute, right?"

I nodded, "oh yeah. Tall, dark hair, clean beard. Big blue eyes. Super hot. But like I said, he's in therapy, and not just, we share the same therapist. So I don't really know."

Sally scoffed, "oh come on. You aren't even going to give him a chance?"

I groaned, "I don't really know." I saw her roll her eyes as she got up to leave the office. I looked at the cup again, at the number. I sighed, adding the number to my phone. I wasn't sure if I was going to use it yet, but I figured I would save it and think about it. I heard someone else come into the office as I looked up to see Levi. I chuckled, "you're here early."

Levi nodded, closing the door behind him, "do we have time?"

I stood up as his arms wrapped around my waist, "as long as we're quick."

Levi chuckled, "I don't need long."

I hiked up the skirt of my dress, turning away from him as I leaned on the desk. I heard him undoing his pants as I felt him approach me. I moaned as I felt him pushing my underwear to one side as he entered me urgently. "Fuck, Levi!"

He chuckled, bringing his hand up to her neck as he made her stand up.

I felt his lips on my neck as I heard him moaning softly and I pressed my hips back against his. It wasn't long before we were moving together as we released and I heard him moan contently in my ear. I replaced my skirt as I turned around to see him putting his pants back on.

"When are you going to let me take you out on a date Kate?"

I sighed, "and ruin what we have?"

He chuckled, "the sex is great. More than." He approached her, placing his hand on her cheek, "but don't you ever want more?"

I shrugged, , "I don't know Levi." I couldn't deny his attractiveness with his soft amber eyes and neat blond hair. I wrapped my arms around his neck, "I like what we have. Why complicate things?"

Levi sighed, placing his hands on her waist, "maybe I want more Kate." He heard her sigh as he brought his hand up to her hair, "think about it."

Before I could say anything, his lips were on mine. His kiss was tender; different than the normal, passionate kiss that was full of hunger and wanting. I moaned softly before he pulled away. He looked at me once more before leaving me alone in the office, closing the door behind him. I sighed, sitting back in the chair, thinking about what he said. Dr. Tompkins suggested I take a leap and go out on an actual date with a guy. I guess that guy could be Levi. We already knew we could have great sex and that we got along. I just wasn't sure if I was going to want to date him. I looked back at the cup on my desk, thinking about this Chris. He was cute, and apparently interested; why else would he leave me his number. But how interested could he be simply seeing me walk out of the office every week, sometimes after crying. At least I knew he was still interested after seeing the after effects of ugly crying. I laughed softly to myself as I heard a knock on the door and knew I had to get stuff prepped for the restaurant. I sighed as I threw away the coffee cup before heading to the kitchen.

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