Chapter 3

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"Are you sure about this Kate?"

I shrugged, looking at Sally sitting on the edge of my bed as I got ready for a lunch date with Levi, "I don't know. I don't see why not. We already know the sex is good, maybe the other stuff could be too."

"Yeah. I guess so. I'm just not sure. What about the Chris guy? You said he was cute and he gave you his number. Have you used it?"

I shook my head, "no way. He's too cute. Probably full of himself. I don't think so."

Sally laughed, "but the whole leaving his number on a coffee cup, that was totally cute."

"Or incredibly conceited and over confident. I don't know Sally. But what I do know is that I have to get going. I'll let you know about it later." I watched her stand up from the bed, rolling her eyes.

"Well. Good luck Kate."


I sat at a lunch date, across from another uninteresting woman. I smiled and nodded as she went on and on about herself. I nodded, "so are you from around here then?"

The girl nodded and continued to talk as I sat trying to remember her name. I groaned silently in my head as she flirted and batted her eyes. I just found it increasingly and increasingly difficult to find interest in the women I kept getting set up with. I looked up when I saw the familiar brown hair float by me followed by an attractive blond man. I watched as Kate sat down a couple tables away. It was obviously a date, and it began to make me a little angry. I gave her my number days ago, and I still hadn't heard from her. But here she was out with another man. After a few minutes, I saw her look up and notice me. I smiled at her and saw her blush, making my heart flutter.


I sat down at a table with Levi and I looked up to see the Chris from my doctor's office. I saw him see me and smile, making me blush and I didn't even know why.

"You look beautiful Kate, I'm glad you finally agreed to come out with me."

I looked back at Levi, smiling, "me too. And thank you." I leaned towards him, "I thought as long as we are good in the sex department, why not see if we are anywhere else."

He smiled and nodded, "me too. Thanks. I think you're really great Kate."

I smiled, looking past him to see Chris still watching me. It appeared he was on his own date with some blonde woman. Chris was wearing a blue button down shirt with his sleeves rolled up. I got to look at him for the first time, seeing he was far more attractive than I had previously noticed. I felt myself blush again as he smiled, obviously noticing I was checking him out. I turned to Levi, "order me some tea? I'll be right back." I got up and walked to the bathroom, having to pass Chris's table as I did.


I watched Kate get up from her date. I couldn't believe how good she looked in a short blue sundress and legs for days. I looked at my date, placing my napkin on the table, "I'm gonna use the restroom, I'll be right back." As I walked the hall to the bathrooms I found a supply closet. As I saw Kate exit the bathroom I grabbed her arm, pulling her into the supply closet.

She squealed, not sure what was happening until she saw Chris, "what are you doing?"

I let go of her, backing away, "I'm sorry. I gave you my number, but you haven't used it."


I looked around the room, "well I'm claustrophobic, Chris. You make a habit of pulling girls into closets without their consent?" I looked around as I felt my chest tightening, "I can't talk to you in here."

He nodded, "hey. I'm sorry Kate. I didn't know."

"That's because you don't know about me Chris. That's why I haven't used your number." I started to leave the room, but he stood in front of the door. "Chris." I rested my head against his chest, "please let me go." I looked up at him as I pulled out my phone. I texted him quickly, "now you have my number. So you can call me." I saw him open the door, letting me out.

Chris groaned as he watched her start to walk away, "I'm sorry Kate."

I nodded so he knew I heard him as I returned to my table with Levi. I looked up at Chris to see him looking at me, apologetically. I heard my phone ding and I looked down to see a message from him. >I'm sorry. You should be out on a date with me though.< I tried to hide my smile as I heard Levi huff.

"Phones at the table?"

"I'm sorry Levi." I looked up at Chris and smile as I was him smirk before getting up to leave. I put my phone away and looked back at Levi. As the date went on I remembered why I always turned him down for a date. He was boring to talk to, and besides the restaurant, we didn't really have anything in common.

After Levi dropped me back at home, I texted Chris back before I got ready to go to the restaurant. >No more closets?<


I groaned when I heard my phone ding and saw the message from Kate. >I'm really sorry about that. I didn't know. I feel awful. Let me make it up to you?<

>Because you don't know me. You've only seen me coming out of Tompkins' office.<

I sighed. >I know. Let me take you out to dinner?<

>I work most nights. But I'll think about it.<

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