Chapter 6

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"So. Talk to me Kate. How's it going with Levi?"

I shrugged, "I went on two dates this week. One with Levi. And it only solidified why I never accepted his dates before. He's boring and we have nothing in common. There's nothing substantial there."

Dr. Tompkins nodded, "okay. And the other date?"

I smiled, "the other date was great. He took me to dinner last night. And I plan on seeing him again next week."

"That's great. And can you tell me how he is different from Levi?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. Mostly just a feeling. He makes me nervous, in a good way. Levi is nice and everything but the other guy is charming." I laughed, "maybe too charming. I haven't decided yet."

Dr. Tompkins laughed, "okay. And what have you told him about yourself?"

"I mean, it was only a first date. He knows about my parents and that I grew up in the system. And the restaurant because him and his family happened to come last week, not knowing it was mine." I hesitated, "I'm easing into it. No need to scare him away right away." I laughed nervously, "and he knows I have a thing about closets, but not why. Just that I'm claustrophobic."

"How does he know that?"

I shook my head, "it doesn't matter. The point is that I like him and I look forward to seeing where it goes for now."

Dr. Tompkins nodded, "okay. Fair enough. I'm proud of you for trying to let someone in."


I stood up when I heard the door open. "Kat." I saw her smile at me as Dr. Tompkins gave me a dirty look which I ignored. I handed her the coffee, "vanilla latte."

Kate smiled as she accepted the cup, "thank you Chris."

"Nope. No. I don't like this at all."

She turned to the Dr. Tompkins, "don't like what?"

I looked from Kate, who had a smirk on her face back to the doctor who had her arms crossed, "what?" I saw her shake her head and go into her office, leaving the door open.

"Let's go Christopher."

I laughed, looking back at Kate and winking, "I can't wait to see you again." I kissed her on the cheek as I saw her blush, "later Kat."

I entered the office, "good afternoon Dr. Tompkins."

"No no. You might be able to charm that girl, but you can't charm me, Mr. Evans."

I laughed as I shrugged, "you say charm as if it's a bad thing." I watched her sit in her chair, unamused.

"I told you to leave that girl alone."

I shrugged, "I know. But I ran into her again out in the real world and I knew I wanted to see her more. So I took her out last night. And I'm seeing her again next week. You can't tell me who I can and can't date Doc."

She groaned, "yes. I realize that. I just don't want you to hurt that girl."

I crossed my arms in front of my chest, "well I take offense to that. I have no intentions of hurting her."

She sighed, "you never have the intention Chris."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not going to. She's different. I thought about what you said. You asked me when I'll know whether they're worth it to let in? I couldn't answer it. It seems like an unanswerable question. But after meeting her, spending time with her, I realize the answer to the question is really more of a feeling than a specific answer. When I look in her eyes, I see someone I want to protect. I would do anything to make her feel safe. I'd do anything she asks."

Dr. Tompkins nodded, "and what did she tell you, about her past?"

I shrugged, "that her parents died when she was a kid. A car accident. And that she grew up in a few foster homes. That's about as far as she said she wanted to go for now. But I'll wait, until she's ready."


I was standing in the front of the house talking to the hostess when I saw Chris enter the restaurant with his brother. "The Evans boys, what are you doing here?"

Chris smiled, "this is my brother Scott. We're here for dinner."

I offered my hand to his brother who was smiling at me, "nice to officially meet you Scott." I grabbed two menus, "follow me." I found them a table in a corner away from most people. I sat down next to them, "if you keep coming here, I'm going to have to put you to work Chris." I looked around the restaurant seeing some people noticed him, "I've already had an increase in business since the last time you were seen here."

Chris laughed, "well then my work is already done. I wanted to see you." He looked at his brother, "and introduce you to my brother. I realize I probably overwhelmed you unintentionally last time."

I nodded, "a little. It's fine." I watched Scott get up from the table.

"I'll be right back."

I turned back to Chris, "did you get into trouble after I left earlier?"

He laughed, "I did. She told me before to stay away from you."


He shrugged, "she seems to think I'm going to hurt you."

I nodded, "and if I hurt you?"

He shrugged, "I think it'll be worth it." He looked around, "can I kiss you?"

I giggled, leaning towards him to kiss him softly as I heard Scott come back to the table, "let me get you guys Annie." I stood up from the table, looking at Chris, "she never stopped talking about you the last time you were here." I went to the kitchen, finding Annie, "Chris is here again with his brother. Will you take care of them? From now on whenever he's here, he's your table. Okay?" I laughed as she nodded excitedly.

"Yes Ms. Harrington!"

I shook my head, "don't get too excited. And please, call me Kate. I don't know how many times I have to say that. Go." I looked up to see Sally come back to the kitchen.

"Chris is back?"

I nodded, "yeah. With his brother."

She squealed quietly, "wow! And how was your date?"

I smiled, "it was really good actually. He offered to make me dinner at his place next week."

"Can he even cook?"

I turned to see Levi looking out the kitchen window at Chris and Scott, "that is none of your business. And besides, it's the thought."

He scoffed, "I can make you dinner. You're really dating Captain America?"

I shrugged, "I am." We had talked about our date, both admitting it wasn't as great as we had both anticipated. But I couldn't help but notice that he was still jealous of me being with someone else. "Don't get your panties in a bunch Levi. We're still getting to know each other."

He smirked, "does that mean you still need me around for extracurriculars?"

I shook my head, "no. Definitely not. Sorry. Get back to work."

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