Dead for everyone

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Kie's  pov

      - Shit! I say as I heard a someone open the bedroom door while I get inside my house.
   I haven't been home for a while now and my parents must be really worried abt me. I get in the house but someone says:
       - Is anyone there? 
       -  Kiara is it you? Kie!!
It's my mom. I decided to just quit hiding and say hi to her.
      - Mom? Mom. It's Kie.
      - Kiara? Oh my god! I missed you so much! She says while holding me.
      - Oh hey mom!
       - Where have you been? I was really worried!
       - It's a long history. You wouldn't understand. I say
       - You we're with those boys. Weren't you? Those shitty pogues!!
        - Yes, but they are not shitty. They are my second family. I love them
         - See? That was what I was scared about!
          - They are amazing. I say smiling 
           - No Kiara. They are not!! And you are going to that boarding school tomorrow! They are waiting for you. She says
           - What? No! I'm not going in there!!
           - Yes you are! You disrespected me and your dad when we said that you should leave the house! Now go back to your room and pack. We are leaving tomorrow morning.

Without arguing I went upstairs to pack my shit. My shirts, my jeans, my jackets, and photos of me and my best friends. My family. My home. I was really scared this was the last time I would see them. I really hope not!

John B's pov

We head back to the chateau so we could all eat.
        - well, there is rotten food rotten food and guess what? rotten food. JJ says joking.
       - you guys wanted to come here so enjoy the shit we have. i say
      - do you guys think Kie will be okay with her parents? JJ asks
     - idk why are you asking? Pope says a little bit jealous
     - nothing. just wanting to know. JJ says back
     - well now I'm really tired. I'm gonna get some sleep. I say as I go to my room and Sarah follows me.

      - hey. She says while sitting in my bed and closing the door.
      - hey! You fine?
        - yeah.. just tired and hungry. she says
        - well we can eat tomorrow and go to sleep now. I say as I pull her into a kiss.
She kisses me back and put her hand around my neck getting closely to me. I slide my hands to her waist. Now she gets on top of me while I admire her. She slides her hand to my pants and she opens up the zipper. I give the a soft smile as she put her hand throw my pants. I slowly put off a strip of her cropped leaving her into her bra. I admire her. After a couple hours we go to sleep.
          - Morning! JJ says laughing as us cuddling.
    We didn't have that much clothes on so I said for him to go away throwing my shirt at him. He closes the door.
          - I missed you! I say
          - me too. she says smiling giving a peck on the lips.

JJ's pov

We all get back to the living room and I start the conversation:
      - Hey! Should we go see Kie? I'm worried about her
      - I texted her but she didn't answer. Pope says
       - I'll text her too! I say while getting my phone.
        - Why? I already texted her.
         - Well maybe she will respond me. I say
          - Why would she respond you and not me? Pope says angrily
           - I don't know pope!

                                             *JJ* hey kie! Is     everything cool?

*Kie* Yes. Everything is fine! Thank you for asking!

Weird! Kie would always respond to my texts preatty informally.
            - Uhmm, hey guys! She responded! I say
           - Really? Pope says while getting my phone to see the message.
            - But she is really weird! I think we should go there to see if everything is okay, right?  I say desperately
           - I'll go!! Pope says
            - I'll go with you too! I say
             - No! I think you should stay here while me and John B go see her. He says. 
              - No Pope. JJ can come too. Come on! John B says and Pope gets angry.
When we arrive there we knocked. But nobody answered.
        - Maybe we can go throw the terrace? I say
         - Yeah that's a good idea!! John B says
We arrive at the terrace and the window is open. We get into the house.
         - Whoa. She really has a kook family. I say admiring her beautiful house
         - Yeah. I think nobody is home, JJ.  Pope says
         - Maybe Kie's on her room. JJ says
We open a door that looks like it would be Kie's room. It had a lot of pictures and books in the shelves. 
          - There are no clothes in her wardrobe! Pope says
           - well they can be cleaning. I say
           - All of her clothes? Pope says
           - So do you guys think she is out for that boarding school? I say
            - Probably! John B say handing me there inscription of the boarding school.
            - Yeah! There is like 100% that she is there. Pope says
             - Shit! I scream while the front dor of the house starts to be opened.
               - Yes, she will stay there for about 4 years mom! And no visits! Kie's dad starts talking on the phone as her mother start going up the stairs. We hide in the closet so they won't find us. I turn around and I see a picture of me and her in the boat. We had so much fun and I missed her so much. As I was thinking about her I started to feel butterflies that was something I had never felt got anyone and anything. Well maybe I'm just missing her. I think.

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